Just an honest question, not demeaning anyone's choice of activity, but can experienced betters come out ahead on a regular basis, when betting on sports? Movies, of course only portray the betters that lose everything. Do people earn a living off of betting? Do high stakes betters watch every detail of game leadup such as injury reports, weather forecast, etc? Its a fascinating world.
They do. I had a friend, a former cop from New Orleans, who retired after being shot in the line of duty. Didn't have much to do, so he took up being a barber and betting on sports. At first he didn't do so hot, he bet too often on LSU (his team), and didn't seem to know what he was doing. But then he noticed something. On Saturday, just as the 100 odd games are about to played, the line will move significantly on around five games, maybe a point or two, sometimes more. What's happened he figured out, was that someone somewhere knew something. Kicker just broke leg, QB's girlfriend dumped him, assist. coach just received a Friday DUI. Now what he told me is that in the pros, this stuff doesn't matter so much they get paid to tune that crap out, but to a twenty year old kid whose girl just left him for the lead guitarist of the local cover band, it's devastating.
What he did was find those games, never bet on LSU ever, and then pick the team that was picking up the points. Because he said Vegas can't just throw points out too much, because folks would start suspecting fixes. They give a point or two, but it can't make up, for what's really driving the movement. He would pick five games a week, bet the exact same amount on each game (never fell in love with a single pick) and generally would win four of his picks each week. He made, when I knew him well around ten years ago, around 40k a year. Not a ton I know, but with his retirement from police work and the occasional shave at the barbershop he did ok. Anytime I would go over to his house he would proudly show me his internet site, and show me his ranking as a handicapper. I can't remember exactly his ranking, but i think he may have cracked the top 100 once.
Alas he did all his betting on line, so I can't say how's he's doing now with all the new regulations, but I'm guessing he's doing ok. He always seems too... Dedicated to Pete, a great guy who taught me a little about gambling and lot about life.