I think our WR's are gonna surprise even us



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2011
why? because this system is not completely based on talent, but route combinations and the running game. with us having a really good o-line and decent rb's, there will be quite a few open throws for the qb's. next is what they do after the catch, which i think we have some guys that can do some damage when the ball is in their hands downfield.

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I think there is some raw talent there. But, I'm a little concerned that they had so many similar injuries in the Spring. That may not be a coincidence. We may have a problem with their conditioning. Just seems strange.
I think there is some raw talent there. But, I'm a little concerned that they had so many similar injuries in the Spring. That may not be a coincidence. We may have a problem with their conditioning. Just seems strange.

I think the coaching staff pushed them beyond their limits, but I believe they have learned from it, and our team will be better during the fall. GO VOLS!!!:rock:
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You can have Randy Moss and Jerry Rice - if you dont have a qb to throw the ball to them there worthless. I see some talent, young talent, but talent in our WR corps, but from what I saw in the O&W game, I am worried that we may need a true frosh (Dobbs) to come in and play right away.
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like a lot of teams that don't recruit the talent as well as the SEC but still seem to win, scheming will be the name of the game for us next year. Oregon can't recruit with the SEC yet they win handily. Scheming and play calling. that is in our future. pair that with SEC talent, and we are off to the races.
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You can have Randy Moss and Jerry Rice - if you dont have a qb to throw the ball to them there worthless. I see some talent, young talent, but talent in our WR corps, but from what I saw in the O&W game, I am worried that we may need a true frosh (Dobbs) to come in and play right away.

Bunch of wr that may be on the bench more than the field in the fall
I think CBJ will be very good but you need to temper your expectations a little. Otherwise you will be in for a rough season.
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like a lot of teams that don't recruit the talent as well as the SEC but still seem to win, scheming will be the name of the game for us next year. Oregon can't recruit with the SEC yet they win handily. Scheming and play calling. that is in our future. pair that with SEC talent, and we are off to the races.

Hate to say it, and I agree with your post, but you are correct...... Oregon does win....... except for when they actually have to play against the SEC (save Dooley's year zero).

It's gonna be a rough season, no way around it. If it isn't we will deserve a 30 for 30.
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why? because this system is not completely based on talent, but route combinations and the running game. with us having a really good o-line and decent rb's, there will be quite a few open throws for the qb's. next is what they do after the catch, which i think we have some guys that can do some damage when the ball is in their hands downfield.

If we can get healthy, we will field the largest group of WR's in our history and very likely in the entire NCAA. 3 WR's from 6'4"-6'5." That's just crazy and practically unheard of at this level. And all of them can fly.

If Harris and North can play at an SEC level, as freshmen, it's on like Donkey Kong! :)

Then our most fundamentally sound WR (Cody Blanc) is 6'3," himself. I really do think opponents are going to struggle with that amount of size. Why? Cause it's hard to defend with your best CB, let along ask all of them to defend a guy who can use your helmet for a snack tray (eating peanuts, ya'll). :dance2:
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You can have Randy Moss and Jerry Rice - if you dont have a qb to throw the ball to them there worthless. I see some talent, young talent, but talent in our WR corps, but from what I saw in the O&W game, I am worried that we may need a true frosh (Dobbs) to come in and play right away.

I would not be concerned about a true freshman starting at q.b., at some point in the season. I remember that Manning did, Schafer did, Clausen did, and Ainge did. However; all of those q.b.'s had a really, really good defense to save them, should they get in trouble. They also had kickers to help bail them ou.
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If we can get healthy, we will field the largest group of WR's in our history and very likely in the entire NCAA. 3 WR's from 6'4"-6'5." That's just crazy and practically unheard of at this level. And all of them can fly.

If Harris and North can play at an SEC level, as freshmen, it's on like Donkey Kong! :)

Then our most fundamentally sound WR (Cody Blanc) is 6'3," himself. I really do think opponents are going to struggle with that amount of size. Why? Cause it's hard to defend with your best CB, let along ask all of them to defend a guy who can use your helmet for a snack tray (eating peanuts, ya'll). :dance2:

They have to be able to catch the ball too. Remember that Leonard Scott could run like the wind, but he could not catch the ball. Kenny O Neal could run like the wind but could not catch the ball. Justin Hunter had the size but could not catch half the balls thrown his way.

Yes, North & Harris have all of the intangibles, but can they catch the ball or do they just look like receivers...
like a lot of teams that don't recruit the talent as well as the SEC but still seem to win, scheming will be the name of the game for us next year. Oregon can't recruit with the SEC yet they win handily. Scheming and play calling. that is in our future. pair that with SEC talent, and we are off to the races.

Somebody gets it, along with Butch.

This is a timing offense that does best when the receivers are good route runners with good hands that can break loose from press coverage as compared to having great athletes with speed that were not great route runners (CP and JH come to mind). Over time you want receivers that are able to do it all. Just like they stressed for the RB's to make sure their steps were exact and they cut off the correct foot - so it will be with the receivers. They can do voluntary work over the summer along with fall camp to get ready.
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They have to be able to catch the ball too. Remember that Leonard Scott could run like the wind, but he could not catch the ball. Kenny O Neal could run like the wind but could not catch the ball. Justin Hunter had the size but could not catch half the balls thrown his way.

Yes, North & Harris have all of the intangibles, but can they catch the ball or do they just look like receivers...
Justin Hunter had no problem catching before coming off his ACL injury. That was an anomaly, IMHO. He had good hands as a freshman and sophomore, and only had some lapses in concentration here and there last year.

Haven't heard/read anything about our WR's having trouble catching the ball....but you can continue to have a glass half empty attitude, if that helps you sleep better. :rolleyes:
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