I want Georgia to lose tomorrow

Personally I hate Bama but this is all little by little playing out best case scenario for our Vols
I’ve hated Bama for over 50 years. I never had much hate for Georgia (and always at least respected Mark Richt). But since they have been successful recently, their fans have become the biggest asses in the league and they now surpass my hate for Bama. I won’t pull for Bama to win, but I sure will pull for Georgia to lose. No matter who the opponent is!
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Clemson held Bama to 6 first half points just a few weeks ago. UK played 'em even. UGA has massive offensive issues this season.
Either Bama is real or Georgia really sucks.
I think both are pretty good but both have weaknesses. Don’t think either are as good as their past great teams.

And this is the craziest thing I’ve seen in awhile. Bama’s pass defense is absolutely AWOL right now. If they play like that in Knoxvile, we will wear them out.!
Georgia much like Charlie Brown found multiple ways to disappoint after the epic comeback much like they were imitating the Mud Dogs before they started winning games with the WaterBoy.

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