You would be surprised at how much stuff that is classified is out in public view.
(Not to mention the NY Times?)
Not really, one Secretary of the Navy addressed the graduating class at Annapolis saying;
"Gentlemen, congratulations on you graduation, soon you will receive your next assignment, many of you will be embarking on your first real cruise and will see the best of what American technology has to offer, unfortunately much of that will be aboard Soviet ships."
Jimmy Carter made great treasonous advances in the field of American intelligence, if one cosiders giving information to enemies progress, by opening up what had been traditionally an executive branch exclusive to congressional scrutiny concerning intelligence activity.
Once, one morning a long time ago, a big muck-a-muck snatched the daily CIA report from my hand and went and waved it under the nose of my boss saying I wasn't supposed to be reading it.
Technically he was right, everything was need to know and of all those reports I read there never was one that even remotely came close to mentioning what I was doing, but it was interesting reading.
My boss (who was one of the must humble and soft spoken guys I've ever encountered even among those who have held a position of authority) snatched it out of the guy's hand and handed it back to me and in a loud voice that carried throughout the whole department said; "I'll run this damned department the way I see fit and if you can't accept that then relieve me of duty right now and while you're at it you can sign my retirement papers!!!"
My boss was essentially working for no compensation since he was elligible for retirement at full pay, he only came to work because he loved his country, he loved the work he was doing and he loved the peole who worked for him.
Mr big wheel retired to his office without a word and wasn't seen again by me for almost a year outside his little domain.
Big muck-a-muck I suppose did get the last laugh in that we had an intelligence library and he kept a book checked out that I wanted to read for over nine months and he had to have been one of the slowest readers in history or just a small minded snit, I'm guessing the latter.
I should have complained but I just don't have that whine gene in me that so many are so willing to expose so often.