Idiots Buck, Aikman mock flyover

How about Rush's comments?

"I never talked politics with these guys but I assumed they were not a bunch of commie SOBs because they were not reluctant at all to have me in their company."

Commie SOB's? LOL. Because they mocked government spending? He assumes they aren't commie SOB's because they tolerated him? This dude is such a clown when he knows his mic is on.
How about Rush's comments?

"I never talked politics with these guys but I assumed they were not a bunch of commie SOBs because they were not reluctant at all to have me in their company."

Commie SOB's? LOL. Because they mocked government spending? He assumes they aren't commie SOB's because they tolerated him? This dude is such a clown when he knows his mic is on.
It is unacceptable to blaspheme the sacraments of state worship ie.America’s civil religion. These guys should know that.
Pilots have to fly so many hours to stay qualified and most of the time these flyovers are just regular training flights that would be done regardless so the money will be spent either way.

It actually doesn't have to be spent either way. We can reduce the number of hours flown, pilots, fighter jets, and reduce military spending across the board and still have by far the best military in the world.
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Pilots have to fly so many hours to stay qualified and most of the time these flyovers are just regular training flights that would be done regardless so the money will be spent either way.
Come watch McGhee Tyson airport any day of the week and the KC-135's are flying around it and doing touch and goes all day long. Flying over Neyland would be close to the pattern anyway, so same song different dance.
It actually doesn't have to be spent either way. We can reduce the number of hours flown, pilots, fighter jets, and reduce military spending across the board and still have by far the best military in the world.
I say we don’t skimp on military training and cancel grants for cow fart studies. That’s just me. Others may want to continue with the cow farting thingy.
It actually doesn't have to be spent either way. We can reduce the number of hours flown, pilots, fighter jets, and reduce military spending across the board and still have by far the best military in the world.

That is a completely different topic.
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Come watch McGhee Tyson airport any day of the week and the KC-135's are flying around it and doing touch and goes all day long. Flying over Neyland would be close to the pattern anyway, so same song different dance.

Friend of mine flew helicopters in the TNNG and they would fly somewhere for lunch and back to Smyrna just to get their hours.
Friend of mine flew helicopters in the TNNG and they would fly somewhere for lunch and back to Smyrna just to get their hours.

Which is fine. That's their job. I'd expect them to do a lot of flying
It actually doesn't have to be spent either way. We can reduce the number of hours flown, pilots, fighter jets, and reduce military spending across the board and still have by far the best military in the world.
The target hours I think across the services is 20 hrs per month. That’s not a lot of flying on a per pilot basis and sorry but Microsoft Flight Simulator isn’t gonna get you there.

Now reducing total aircraft count and pilot billets is a different topic and I don’t disagree. However if we take that route then the monthly flight time minimums become even more important I’d submit.
Joe Buck has been riding Aikman's tip for years. The man crush he has on Troy is hilarious. If Joe Biden wins, they will gush over flyovers once again.
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You sure it’s wastefulness? Read the rest of this thread from people who know a little bit about it.

So are we not wasteful with military spending? Isn't that Buck and Aikman's point? Just because it might (we're guessing this wasn't extra) comply with an arbitrary rule doesn't mean it's not wasteful.
So are we not wasteful with military spending? Isn't that Buck and Aikman's point? Just because it might comply with an arbitrary rule doesn't mean it's not wasteful.
Did you read the posts in this thread? They were stating military flyovers are wasteful spending when in fact they are not.

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