Idiots Buck, Aikman mock flyover

Wow, a Rush acolyte taking the low road in defending Rush for taking the low road. I'm totally shocked.
I had to go back and look at what Rush said. He bemoaned the politicization of the NFL by Kaepernick but wants flyovers, anthems and the other accoutrements of nation worship. That’s fine but it seems like a contradictory position to me. He would do well to look at the history of the symbols he worships and he would see that they were all progressive initiatives to induce service to the state.
So are we not wasteful with military spending? Isn't that Buck and Aikman's point? Just because it might (we're guessing this wasn't extra) comply with an arbitrary rule doesn't mean it's not wasteful.
So which pilot would you rather have flying your plane, the one with 500 take off's and landings or the one with 10,000? Now imagine your country is fighting a war with, I don't know, pick any democratic administration and their current "conflict" which pilot do you want?
Except they are if you're running more inventory than is actually needed
So that was Obama's plan. Let half of the planes in the military die and then the "inventory" of operational planes is half, therefore the amount of money for them should be halved.
It should be everyone's plan to shrink our ridiculous spending, even for defense
I was preaching about our spending long before you were a twinkle in your fathers eye. 50 years have passed and we're still spending money like a drunken sailor. Someone knows something I don't, because nothing ever changes. I honestly don't care anymore, because if that many years has gone by and they're still talking about spending trillions of dollars to stimulate the economy when it doesn't need it I don't know what to say.
I'm all for reducing military spending. We could probably cut 100s of millions if not billions without reducing readiness 1 bit.
Yeah, but that might cut into the generals consulting fees when they leave the military and join Raytheon or Lockheed. Best thing is to continue the unencumbered spending of billions of dollars.
It should be everyone's plan to shrink our ridiculous spending, even for defense
There is actually a whole logistics Jenga puzzle on this. Aircraft have finite lifetimes before they are either replaced or remanufactured. And when they are reman’ed it’s normally a SLEP or service life extension program which doesn’t zero time it to its original build configuration but rather it zero times it to a new equipment “block” baseline.

So the Jenga puzzle is wear out rate of a lower number of aircraft vs lower utilization rate of a higher fleet size. And yes the aircraft people manipulate the Jenga puzzle to maximize their profit. It’s on government oversight to protect their interests. Good luck with that they’re bringing a knife to an RPG fight.

I work in the industry and I’ll categorically state we spend too much and should spend less. However I also know enough to see that it’s not as simple as “just buy 30% less aircraft”.
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How about Rush's comments?

"I never talked politics with these guys but I assumed they were not a bunch of commie SOBs because they were not reluctant at all to have me in their company."

Commie SOB's? LOL. Because they mocked government spending? He assumes they aren't commie SOB's because they tolerated him? This dude is such a clown when he knows his mic is on.
So according to Rush, critiquing government spending = commie. Interesting logic.
You have to consider that Aikman was stupid enough to think that Switzer was going to drop the option offense when he signed with Oklahoma. 🤣🤣🤣
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I had to go back and look at what Rush said. He bemoaned the politicization of the NFL by Kaepernick but wants flyovers, anthems and the other accoutrements of nation worship. That’s fine but it seems like a contradictory position to me. He would do well to look at the history of the symbols he worships and he would see that they were all progressive initiatives to induce service to the state.

Why is this so hard for some people to understand?

Bellamy salute - Wikipedia
It actually doesn't have to be spent either way. We can reduce the number of hours flown, pilots, fighter jets, and reduce military spending across the board and still have by far the best military in the world.
Right... tell me though. What is a good minimum?
Let's talk about the real issue here. How dead is baseball? Fox would rather put Joe Buck on a Bucs/Packers regular season game than game 7 of the NLCS. So weird.
People are such sensitive nancies. They weren't mocking the military, they were mocking government spending.

I wonder if Buck and Aikman are mad about the cost of Buck flying to several cities to call games. (4 cities in 7 days) That's some money for someone to call a game

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