If Ferguson or Dobbs are half as good as Eric Ainge was



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2009
As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.
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As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.

Two games into their college careers, you've never seen either of them in live action and probably couldn't pick them out of a lineup and you come with that?
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Did OP say wicked?

And if the season goes south, i say we work in a freshman. But for now, we need to win enough games to get to a bowl game.
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As of 9/12/13 we're 2-0. I'll agree Worley hasn't been impressive but why waste the opportunity to red shirt them and let them get a year of college to develop more?
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As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.

Wow, this hasn't been hashed and rehashed. Physical tools aren't the only requirement for a QB, and my guess is the freshmen aren't ready yet. We have had just one penalty in two games, and I believe that was on defense. CBJ is going to play the QB that gives him the best chance to win, and I don't understand why people don't understand this. That said, Ainge has publicly stated that he benefitted greatly from experienced WR's and that he knew where they would be. I believe Ainge also had two 1000 yard rushers. Worley doesn't have that luxury.
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See Bray/Simms. The exact same thing will happen. The fr will learn the playbook and what it means to be in the SEC and after Bama one will come in.
everybody I see posting about throwing the true freshmen out there with a new staff, new offense and new wr's to boot, just needs to think about the entire situation with the program.

We are likely to get a qb pulled Saturday. Which is the better for the long term: Worley gets pulled and someone gets a chance? Or a freshman goes in, plays terrible, gets pulled, and Worley comes off the bench?
Rhetorical question, imo.
Let me help you, these are true freshmen....they do not know the system or the playbook, and lack experience. Butch has shown he is VERY VERY detail oriented, and disciplined. He also is not in a hurry to burn either options or sacrifice the future for this year which no one really has huge hopes for anyway. They may end up being the greatest thing since sliced bread, but putting them in early and burning a red shirt option isn't wise. 1.) you lose the redshirt and a year of eligibility. 2.) you could put them in a guaranteed to fail situation and destroy their confidence.

The other Reality is Worley has done what he has been asked to do..., he has played with absolute discipline, and for a guy not so mobile even managed to keep for some decent plays, due to really good timing. Some of his balls have arrived late, and behind the WR....which is why many, me included are a bit concerned. However by all accounts that is as much if not more the responsibility of the receivers per the coaching staff. This doesn't sound like a big stretch considering our WR are pretty much all true first year freshman....so I am willing to believe some of those issues could be not running route correctly, but we also all know some have been him throwing the ball without enough lead.....still as troubling as that has been, he's been absolutely heads up on ball protection, not throwing into coverage, and managing the field.....for a detail oriented "top button" coach like Butch that is invaluable. That you desperately want to see what the new guys can do, on the hopes they're the next Manning, Martin, or Clausen....and are willing to burn a red shirt on a easy win, or put guys without experience against the Jaws of a number 2 team, doesn't really effect his decision in the slightest. Until Worley "MESSES UP" and in a big way, only an idiot is going to sacrifice their options and put them in. So far one thing is clear, Worley > Peterman. And in a big way... and our coach is not desperate enough to put a freshman in unless he has too. That time has yet to present itself.
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I have stood on the sideline at multiple practices and watched them all. Ferg has grit and seems tough. Dobbs gets one right and totally misses the next play. Neither is ready. Like it or not. The greatest player on the teamis the back up QB... Let the people that know make the decisions.
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It's only been two games. Daryl Dickey only scored six points in his first game and then led us to one of the greatest wins in history. (Miami in the 86 Sugar Bowl) Not to mention Tee Martin wasn't exactly a world beater his first few games; I remember him being very average against Auburn and Fla. early on. Be patient; hopefully he'll come around. At least he's not throwing pick six's like Joey Matthews did.
We are going to lose 5 games at least this year, have no offensive line next year, and be young everywhere it counts on offense year 3. Butch needs Ferguson and Dobbs for the SEC championship year 4 and 5.
It's amazing that We have scored 97 points in 2 games and people are bi**hing about Worley...Just amazing...He makes mistakes but has lead the team with confidence...you will NOT see the freshman play this year most likely...Maybe not even next year so get over it and enjoy THIS season.
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