If Ferguson or Dobbs are half as good as Eric Ainge was

I don't understand this thinking. If the guy is really good and turns out to be as good as you're thinking, Redshirting them for that 5th year of eligibility is irrelevant, as he would go pro before that. I'm not saying he should play, but the reason shouldn't be because you're afraid to burn the RS.

I'm sure you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about I'm sure after we have a bad series or two against Oregon they'll burn the red shirt and bring in the true freshman....
I see nothing wrong about putting in a freshman who has practically no experience and minimal knowledge of the playbook into an away game against one of the best teams in the nation in a notoriously loud stadium.

Butch knows what he's doing. If the freshmen gave us the best chance, they'd be in by now.
I see nothing wrong about putting in a freshman who has practically no experience and minimal knowledge of the playbook into an away game against one of the best teams in the nation in a notoriously loud stadium.

Butch knows what he's doing. If the freshmen gave us the best chance, they'd be in by now.
The fact that it took until game week for a starter to be announced, tells me that it was not an easy decision. Sometimes it can come down to a gut feeling...only to later realize it was that dang greasy Mexican food. :)
....so far Worely is just terrible.

How do you figure? Worley has not been great, maybe not even very good, but "just terrible"? That's a ridiculous statement.

TD to interceptions ratio and completion percentage alone prove that he is doing an adequate job. He is in there for his experience and maturity at this point and the young guys are being allowed time to watch, learn, and settle---basically to get a good mental handle on what is going to be expected of them when they are finally thrown into the fire. Butch Jones knows what he is doing. Stop with the discouraging anti-Worley stuff.
It's simple, Butch knows this is a throw away year so he's not going to waste either of them. In addition, Worley is the best route at this moment because he is the only one with college football experience. Just look at past UT history before Ainge and go back to how Andy Kelly became starter.
If Ferguson or Dobbs are half as good as Eric Ainge was

They'll have their own show like Mike and Mike after they lead us to 3 straight national titles. Yeah that's the ticket.
How do you figure? Worley has not been great, maybe not even very good, but "just terrible"? That's a ridiculous statement..

I was with you till yesterday. Oregon's Offense is just steller, I don't hold it against our D that they faced what they faced. But Oregon Defense is NOT all that, and there were several well designed plays he flubbed, Peterman too..... Having a harder and harder time defending these two.....I don't know that true freshman can do any better, but freshman receivers or not, our passing game is TERRIBLE. So Oregon just loaded the box for the run. Get used to it it's what every team is likely to do for the rest of the year until we can find a passing threat.
I think I have gone to the other side on this... I have defended Worley....and am NOT remotely someone who likes to put a true freshman in to play unless there's little other choice. i think game management is as important as any part of what it takes to be a QB......with that said.

Worley is just NOT good, and even worse for this type of offense. Peterman looks as bad if not worse, and only looked slightly better given he was playing against backups.

If this is the playbook we're going to be using let's go ahead and let the one QB made for it a shot.

I normally hate people who are wanting to put in the 2nd string or 3rd etc QB just because we have some bad series. But really we just DESPERATELY need a threat outside of handing off the football, and really if that is our only threat even a freshman should be able to do that. Let's at last get someone who is mobile. I like Ferg as a person. However if the option is our future...Dobbs wins..... Peterman will be no improvement. At least Worely does have good field management skills. Our passing game is in critical condition, and our running game can't get anywhere when that is the only weapon defenses expect from us.

The points put up against us doesn't bother me, we knew who we were playing....and sadly our defense just was tired, and finally rolled over.....but our offense looked horrid, and Oregon does NOT have one of the better defenses we will face this year. There's not much excuse for that offensive performance.

But I know this won't happen, and I know the arguments on why, they the same ones I supported...but I think taking a risk at this point might pay off. Right now we have a wasted offensive line on a toothless passing game, and a running game with no where to go..

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