If Ferguson or Dobbs are half as good as Eric Ainge was

Your logic is idiotic and backwards. I'm sure our Freshmen QBs who aren't performing in practice witll come out in a game and light the scoreboard up. That makes a whole lot of sense. I mean we talkin bout practice.

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To be fair, Ainge didn't take us to the SECCG in 04.
Yes, yes he did. He may not have played against UK or VU or the SECCG, but yes, he did. We would have not made it there if Schaeffer or Clausen played in the games that Ainge did.

Ainge was a very good freshman QB.
Like we don't have weapons on offense...Lane or Neal will get 1,000 yards and the other close to it as well and this is the best oline we have had in a long time.....all that am saying is that it would be nice to see Ferguson play some against the first 2 cupcake oppnents to see how he spons in a game.

You people are so closed mined...you are the same ones who wee supporting Dooley FOREVER when it was plain as day that he was not an SEC caliber coach.....this is all of our rivals consider Volnation to be a complete joke...99 percent of you are like ostriches with your heads in the sand. ...Kiffin liked Crompton because he had legit NFL tools...Worely does not have anything close to Crompton's natural talent...Worely's ceiling is to be a game manager...i am hoping he can come ut against Oregon and do that...but so far, considering the competition he has not even proven to be an effective game manger yet....we beat WKU by forcin turnovers not because of anything Worely did...

so we should burn redshirts so YOU can see these guys play? Wow, you think alot of your opinion that doesn't matter.
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so we should burn redshirts so YOU can see these guys play? Wow, you think alot of your opinion that doesn't matter.

If you really believe Worey is going to play the whole season and one of their redshirts isn't going to be burned then i feel for you. And don't even bring up Peterman.
As far as the OT, I am also wondering why Worley is playing every snap. The first half against WKU was Crompton 08 & first half of 09 bad (which is worse than Matt Simms ever).

I think there is a chance that Ferguson is our QB the second half of the season. I don't know why he hasn't had a snap yet. Is CBJ hiding him? Does CBJ want to RS both Fr QBs? I really don't know.

However if RF ends this year. Don't be surprised if there is still a QB competition next spring/fall and RF isn't our QB. I'm not calling anything, just saying this may be a very, very, very fluid situation.
As far as the OT, I am also wondering why Worley is playing every snap. The first half against WKU was Crompton 08 & first half of 09 bad (which is worse than Matt Simms ever).

I think there is a chance that Ferguson is our QB the second half of the season. I don't know why he hasn't had a snap yet. Is CBJ hiding him? Does CBJ want to RS both Fr QBs? I really don't know.

However if RF ends this year. Don't be surprised if there is still a QB competition next spring/fall and RF isn't our QB. I'm not calling anything, just saying this may be a very, very, very fluid situation.

Finally, a non sheep Vol fan with a brain. Very refreshing to see.
A thread that epitomizes the fragility of Vol fans.....the most popular player on our team is not even the back up QB. It is the 3rd and 4th string QB.
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Doobs will be a bust IMO and Riley is to small right now. Butch will do the right thing and leave JW in. Deal with it
As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.

Ainge had a lot more good players around him, plus a great defense that could bale him out if he screwed up. We are not blessed with the support now that we had then. Having a freshman QB and freshmen WRs is a recipe for disaster. We don't have Hunter, DaRick, CP or Rivera to bale the QB out.

Butch has seen all 4 play. I trust his opinion over us armchair QBs who don't see them practice.
Doobs will be a bust IMO and Riley is to small right now. Butch will do the right thing and leave JW in. Deal with it

That's as goofy as the OP in the other direction.

I've decided that instead of Mods, Freak should hire a VN Proctologist so we can figure out what's causing so many people to post out their ass.
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As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.

So far Worley is doing better than Bray IMO
Considering that 99 percent of you were still supporting Dooley past year 2 in his tenure, none of you are qualified to criticize another's opinions. You are all like ostriches with your heads in the sands. To he people who were wise enough to realize Dooley was horrible early on, this obviously doesn't apply to you.
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Considering that 99 percent of you were still supporting Dooley past year 2 in his tenure, none of you are qualified to criticize another's opinions. You are all like ostriches with your heads in the sands. To he people who were wise enough to realize Dooley was horrible early on, this obviously doesn't apply to you.

you like to throw that fake 99% out. :crazy:
Did OP say wicked?

And if the season goes south, i say we work in a freshman. But for now, we need to win enough games to get to a bowl game.

I agree lets go ahead and play Dobbs or Ferguson and take our lumps now. Because I don't think were going to be real competitive this yr anyways. And have one of them ready to go next yr with the experience from this yr. What does everybody else think? Would love to hear some opinions. GO VOLS!
Considering that 99 percent of you were still supporting Dooley past year 2 in his tenure, none of you are qualified to criticize another's opinions. You are all like ostriches with your heads in the sands. To he people who were wise enough to realize Dooley was horrible early on, this obviously doesn't apply to you.

Haha, like that is relevant to this topic. I guess if you don't like the responses, just change the subject.
I agree lets go ahead and play Dobbs or Ferguson and take our lumps now. Because I don't think were going to be real competitive this yr anyways. And have one of them ready to go next yr with the experience from this yr. What does everybody else think? Would love to hear some opinions. GO VOLS!

While I disagree with doing that, that's at least a coherent strategy that recognizes what is likely to happen if we play true freshmen QBs. If Worley is the best option, I don't see how you look at the Seniors and ask them to buy in while simultaneously punting on this season.
As a true freshman or even Tyler Bray for that matter....then one of them should be the starter. Seriously, Ainge was a great true freshman QB and beat some good teams that year including UF and took us to the SECCG. I would take a true freshman level Ainge over Worely ANY day....which leads to ask are Dobbs and Ferguson not that good actually or is Butch just worried about throwing them to the wolves too soon?

Ainge had to play that wicked Auburn team in 2004.....plus plenty of other good teams....i don't see why Fergy hasn't at least had a few snaps these first 2 games provided how well he supposedly has been in practice....i really think Butch could be making a mistake here....so far Worely is just terrible. And Peterman isn't even a option he is really bad as well.....Dobbs or Ferguson have to be better than what they offer if not, than maybe they must have been overrated.

You idiots, you must start Worley because he has out worked everyone else according to Coach Jones. He ran summer workouts not any of the other guys. He has been better than his backup thus far, which prolly represents his preparation. According to Jones, he is a team leader.

Lastly, you must let him lose the starting job because you could lose the team. Older players will turn on Coach Jones if they feel they aren't given a fair shake and he goes with "his" guys. We all know that this is foundation year and championships aren't built in a year, but you can lose your program if the team turns on you. The young guys will be given a chance if the two returning qbs prove they can't handle the position.
I would like to take a moment to thank crunchimusmaximus. Because of him I have now seen what a person on crack talks like. Thank you, good sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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