If Ferguson or Dobbs are half as good as Eric Ainge was

What is a talent toolset? Talent wise Bray is better. His head, however, was so far up his arse that he couldnt see daylight. His stats were off the charts, but usually got his best stats against sub par teams.

Everyone gets their best stats against sub-par teams. He also had bad games against two stinkers in Vandy and UK. Worley is not asked to do what Bray was asked to do so I don't understand the worry with the position. He hands the ball off or uses play action to a pass or keeps.

One of our poster's girlfriends knows about his toolset.
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CBJ playing the odds with QB, working to keep the team on schedule for MUST wins. This is really important to the 2014 recruiting to make it to a bowl game, we have been missing out on a lot of practice time...EE would benefit from this also.
Dobbs just tweeted his parents made it to Oregon. Why would they go all the way out there when they can see him on tv? They're rather really supportive or Dobbs expects PT?
Everyone gets their best stats against sub-par teams. He also had bad games against two stinkers in Vandy and UK. Worley is not asked to do what Bray was asked to do so I don't understand the worry with the position. He hands the ball off or uses play action to a pass or keeps.

One of our poster's girlfriends knows about his toolset.

Well done :lolabove:
Dobbs just tweeted his parents made it to Oregon. Why would they go all the way out there when they can see him on tv? They're rather really supportive or Dobbs expects PT?

Don't know much about his family but given his IQ, they are likely pretty well educated themselves, this might not be that big a deal for them financially I dunno. I just can't imagine you'd burn his red shirt unless Worley gets hurt. Dobbs is the future or a big part of it, I hope they don't waste his redshirt on a year that likely he can't make a huge difference in yet.
Interesting, if Dobbs and Ferguson aren't starting NOW then they aren't good. It's that kind of iron tight logic that makes me love Volnation.
I'm going to trust the coaches on this issue, rather than those who are not with the players day-in and day-out!
I'm just saying that Worley is not looking to hot right now. And if he doesn't improve and were not being competitive I say start one of the freshman. Because if were going to take alot of lumps might as well let it pay off by getting one of the younger guys ready. GO VOLS
I admit that I really want to see Riley play but I do so with the full knowledge that I am not a football coach and as such my opinion on the starting QB is meaningless.

Butch knows what he is doing and he will put us in the best position to win games.
No one is saying Worely should definitely not be the starter, but what i am saying is that you can only really tell what a player will do in a live game by giving him a chance...practice is not a game...it would have been nice to have seen one of them could have done in garbage time the last 2 weeks to see what they can do with the lights on...you never know until they are in that situation...however, what we do know right now, is Worely is mediocre at best...

Don't give me the WRs running bad routes excuses..i am sure they are...but regardless Worely has terrible footwork, mechanics, slow realease and a noodle arm.....yes he hasn't mad any mistakes thus far but then again he hasn't actually played against a breathing defense yet.

You mean kinda like Worley being 2-0? Live game situation, and all he has done is produce victories...and against W Ky, whom some people thought would beat us. Give the kid a chance...he may surprise you. GBO
To be fair, Ainge didn't take us to the SECCG in 04.

You're correct. RC came in and was able to beat Vandy and UK in close battles, while Ainge (mostly) led UT to wins agains UF, UGA, Ole Miss, Bama, and USC.
So let me get this straight....in one week, we've gone from being seriously concerned about getting beat by WKU, to winning big, and have arrived at our QB being usurped by a freshmen?

Crazy world we live in friends. I think we've got to stick with Worley barring injury. It's his job to lose and so far we're 2 and 0.
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Yes, he did. We played Auburn tough again and got jobbed by the officials, when the SEC wanted an undefeated team.

Yeah I remember that. Very true - no way Tennessee was going to win that one due to the officials throwing the game. Played very tough and though and should have won it.

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