It's not always your choice to be unemployed............ Getting laid off = a time period without money coming in. In this economy, there's no telling how long that could be... I was laid off from my job, looked for 6 months to find a job before getting married. It's one of the reasons I'm a student again since this economy didn't allow me to find a job. Thankfully, I'm insured through my wife. Without her, I had the great potential to be up a creek if something was found wrong with me healthwise
The only thing I've understood from this thread:
If you're poor and unemployed with cancer, tough luck. If you can't afford to pay the bills tough luck, my massive charity donations will bail you out - did you know I graduated from a prestigious university?
Verbal attack, you're an idiot
The entire country is full of illiterate bums who draw a check. Quite clearly Darwin and Ayn Rand were correct. Health care reform is clearly government intrusion into our lives; the Communist, Muslim, terrorist from Kenya is also planning to take away my fully automatic silenced machine guns which I need for hunting.
Verbal attack, you're an idiot
The clown Obozo quite clearly didn't read the constitution as it clearly states that Republicans are supreme. Actually in fact, it was distasteful to be a Democrat in the 1700's even though they didn't exist.
We need to move to Texas, this country sucks. Revolution, Revolution, Revolution!
Health care reform sucks.
Verbal attack, you're an idiot.
Obama isn't American.
Ronald Reagan was amazing.
Verbal attack, you're an idiot.