If ID's Are Okay for Proof of Vaccination, Why Aren't They Okay for Voting?

In the absence of proof of any significant voter fraud, the better question is why are Republicans so adamant that rules be put in place to solve a problem that doesn't exist? The answer is, of course, they can't win on policy so it is advantageous for them if fewer people vote. Minority rule is their goal which goes against everything a democratic society stands for, consequently the Big Lie is being pushed relentlessly by the pathetic Radical Right.
We have reshaped our entire society for something with a 99% survival rating.

Solutions to problems that dont exist seem to be acceptable to the Dems when they are in charge, even though they wouldnt have accepted Trump doing it.

For me it's about continuity. If we dont want IDs for voting that's a talk that can be had. But in a world where everything else requires an ID, its inconsistent to not require it for voting. This type of inconsistency from the government is always the result of favoritism or designed to shape policy in the governments preferred manner.

Either everything the government does requires an ID, or nothing should. Anything less/more is political. And that's wrong.
$160 for my wife and I to get our new drivers licenses today. Oof. Maryland (GOP gov) sure likes my wallet. Also $450 each to register and title our old vehicles.

Good thing I have a good job. I'd hate to be doing this on an hourly paycheck or disability check.
In GA its 32 bucks and it's good for 8 years. That's four bucks a year. Hardly restrictive.

And usually they push it as an administrative fee, rather than paying for a physical item. So yay government.
More difficult for Dems to cheat with IDs. Johnson stole elections in Texas, Dailey stole elections in Chicago both voting death people. It’s a demo tradition.
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More difficult for Dems to cheat with IDs. Johnson stole elections in Texas, Dailey stole elections in Chicago both voting death people. It’s a demo tradition.

Speaking to evidence, which side of the Uniparty (whoever came up with that term, thanks!) has had the most arrests in the past decade+ for voter fraud?
We have reshaped our entire society for something with a 99% survival rating.

Solutions to problems that dont exist seem to be acceptable to the Dems when they are in charge, even though they wouldnt have accepted Trump doing it.

For me it's about continuity. If we dont want IDs for voting that's a talk that can be had. But in a world where everything else requires an ID, its inconsistent to not require it for voting. This type of inconsistency from the government is always the result of favoritism or designed to shape policy in the governments preferred manner.

Either everything the government does requires an ID, or nothing should. Anything less/more is political. And that's wrong.

I actually don't have a problem with Voter ID, but it's absurd that Texas allows a handgun license as an acceptable form of ID but not a college student ID. Anybody who has a kid in college knows the microscope you are put under to enroll - the paperwork is endless, it's worse than applying for a mortgage.

A democracy only works when elected leaders are representative of their constituents. Consequently, the more people that vote, the more representative elected leaders will be. It's a pretty simple concept.
I actually don't have a problem with Voter ID, but it's absurd that Texas allows a handgun license as an acceptable form of ID but not a college student ID. Anybody who has a kid in college knows the microscope you are put under to enroll - the paperwork is endless, it's worse than applying for a mortgage.

A democracy only works when elected leaders are representative of their constituents. Consequently, the more people that vote, the more representative elected leaders will be. It's a pretty simple concept.
Isn't that likely the difference in a state issued id vs one they don't control? Doesn't really sound too absurd
$160 for my wife and I to get our new drivers licenses today. Oof. Maryland (GOP gov) sure likes my wallet. Also $450 each to register and title our old vehicles.

Good thing I have a good job. I'd hate to be doing this on an hourly paycheck or disability check.
Driving isn’t a right and also you chose to live in a liberal state with typical high taxes
I actually don't have a problem with Voter ID, but it's absurd that Texas allows a handgun license as an acceptable form of ID but not a college student ID. Anybody who has a kid in college knows the microscope you are put under to enroll - the paperwork is endless, it's worse than applying for a mortgage.

A democracy only works when elected leaders are representative of their constituents. Consequently, the more people that vote, the more representative elected leaders will be. It's a pretty simple concept.
Because a college ID doesn’t prove you are a citizen. It’s not a difficult concept
Driving isn’t a right and also you chose to live in a liberal state with typical high taxes

Interesting (to me) question about the first part of your reply.

If automobiles and daily City to city travel and mass interstate commerce existed at the authoring of the Constitution, would driving have been considered a right?
Because a college ID doesn’t prove you are a citizen. It’s not a difficult concept

You should do your homework before spouting off, universities and colleges have to provide an attestation letter under penalty of perjury that said the student IDs were issued following a verification of students' citizenship status, Social Security number, and birthdates.
You should do your homework before spouting off, universities and colleges have to provide an attestation letter under penalty of perjury that said the student IDs were issued following a verification of students' citizenship status, Social Security number, and birthdates.

Hi. College faculty here, with experience working with a large number of international students.

College IDs don't list country of origin. It's a valid ID only for the University and for places that just want to see a picture near a name to satisfy an ID check requirement. International students have to jump through hoops to get one, but as a functional card off campus and away from campus partners it's practically worthless.
You should do your homework before spouting off, universities and colleges have to provide an attestation letter under penalty of perjury that said the student IDs were issued following a verification of students' citizenship status, Social Security number, and birthdates.
So what. They still aren’t government documentation of status.
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I miss Tennessee. Unfortunately, they weren't hiring. And they're in the worst medical insurance region.
Same. I work in Academia as well. I looked in TN, but ended up in Vermont. We also pay crazy amounts for everyday things I used to take for granted.
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I actually don't have a problem with Voter ID, but it's absurd that Texas allows a handgun license as an acceptable form of ID but not a college student ID. Anybody who has a kid in college knows the microscope you are put under to enroll - the paperwork is endless, it's worse than applying for a mortgage.

A democracy only works when elected leaders are representative of their constituents. Consequently, the more people that vote, the more representative elected leaders will be. It's a pretty simple concept.
Handgun license issued by the government, and probably comes with a background check. No one accepts university IDs except the food hall.
FWIW I am fine with a one size fits all ID.

And lol to the last. We had record turn out in 2020. Is Biden all that representative? If you actually want the government to represent the people get rid of the parties that hide bad behavior for the party good.
$160 for my wife and I to get our new drivers licenses today. Oof. Maryland (GOP gov) sure likes my wallet. Also $450 each to register and title our old vehicles.

Good thing I have a good job. I'd hate to be doing this on an hourly paycheck or disability check.
Should have only been $144.
Poorly formulated broad brush argument.

My turn!

Why does the right love the unborn but vilify the little boogers the moment they pass through the birth canal and become their own beings?

Talking about poorly formulated argument.

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