If ID's Are Okay for Proof of Vaccination, Why Aren't They Okay for Voting?

$160 for my wife and I to get our new drivers licenses today. Oof. Maryland (GOP gov) sure likes my wallet. Also $450 each to register and title our old vehicles.

Good thing I have a good job. I'd hate to be doing this on an hourly paycheck or disability check.
I suppose all those people that work at Taco Bells in MD don't have driver licenses:rolleyes:
I suppose all those people that work at Taco Bells in MD don't have driver licenses:rolleyes:

1. The price of moving here is expensive, especially for this to hit all at once.
2. Are you doing ok? I don't believe I've seen you post anything positive or uplifting. I worry when I see that.
1. The price of moving here is expensive, especially for this to hit all at once.
2. Are you doing ok? I don't believe I've seen you post anything positive or uplifting. I worry when I see that.
Oh, I'm doing ok. It's just frustrating to see the country I grew up in turning into a combination of Nazi Germany and Venezuela.
Not exaggerating that much. Just give it some more time. It's the direction we're heading.
It's a lot like my wife's mood...... just give it time, it will swing back the other way.
You should do your homework before spouting off, universities and colleges have to provide an attestation letter under penalty of perjury that said the student IDs were issued following a verification of students' citizenship status, Social Security number, and birthdates.


Not entirely accurate...
Again so what? They are pretty dumb if they do
Even dumber if they don't. Just say you want to suppress the vote, I might have a modicum of respect for you then, instead you constantly move the goalposts and dig yourself a deeper hole.
17 states currently accept college student ID's to vote. What's your point again about government documentation?

When I was in HS my buddies mom worked at Radford U, she got 4-5 of us RU IDs so we could get into the Dedmon Center to work out and play basketball. I highly doubt we were an isolated case.
Liberals are perfectly okay with requiring proof of vaccination, yet they have been screaming from the rooftops for decades that requiring an ID modifies behavior (suppresses the vote). Why is it that liberals aren't the least bit concerned that requiring ID's proving vaccination will cause people to starve to death because they have to show a form of ID to work, shop, eat, etc?
In the absence of proof of any significant voter fraud, the better question is why are Republicans so adamant that rules be put in place to solve a problem that doesn't exist? The answer is, of course, they can't win on policy so it is advantageous for them if fewer people vote. Minority rule is their goal which goes against everything a democratic society stands for, consequently the Big Lie is being pushed relentlessly by the pathetic Radical Right.
Poor people like you too dumb to figure out how to get on the internet or get an ID
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17 states currently accept college student ID's to vote. What's your point again about government documentation?

I've used my picture-free vote registration card before, I've used my school system faculty badge before. There's nothing new under the sun.
If true, it's likely not hard to figure out which perennially blue states those are.

Great, since you know the states you shouldn't have any problem providing proof of massive voter fraud from student ID's.
I'll wait while you get the info, thanks in advance for you cooperation.
I've used my picture-free vote registration card before, I've used my school system faculty badge before. There's nothing new under the sun.

Exactly my point. I think voting should be more accessible, not less accessible. So sue me for fighting the good fight.
Exactly my point. I think voting should be more accessible, not less accessible. So sue me for fighting the good fight.
But you aren't fighting for any other institution to remove id requirements are you? Should they be required to get a job, cash a check, buy alcohol, drive a car, own a gun, etc? You're stance is incredibly inconsistent
Exactly my point. I think voting should be more accessible, not less accessible. So sue me for fighting the good fight.

Club rights go along with club membership - same with citizenship - you belong or you don't. How do you prove you belong without verifiable credentials that are based on criteria? For voting that includes a number of things to include citizenship and residence - and how do you prove you are you without photo ID? Personally I'd go with some kind of biometric check like automated fingerprint or retina scanner - faster easier and without a clerk having to decide the picture matches the face ... especially a masked face.
But you aren't fighting for any other institution to remove id requirements are you? Should they be required to get a job, cash a check, buy alcohol, drive a car, own a gun, etc? You're stance is incredibly inconsistent

Spare me your fake outrage. You do understand we are talking about participating in Democracy by voting right?. I'm talking about voting! My stance is not inconsistent, the only thing inconsistent is you comparing the right to vote to buying alcohol. It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics required to make such an absurd comparison. Sheesh.
Exactly my point. I think voting should be more accessible, not less accessible. So sue me for fighting the good fight.
Let's get to the heart of the matter. It's a simple yes or no answer. Do you believe that non-U.S. citizens should be able to vote in federal elections? Yes or no.
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