If Kiffin had stayed.

Ole Miss vs Uga? My response...not sure Ole Miss is the floor. Kiffin improved over 2008, but that was a very low bar. Hell, we would have won the Wyoming game going away had that f---ing idiot Hamilton not fired Fulmer that week and then completely bungled the presser (why even have a presser like that is a whole other thing). Then been 6-6 and maybe won the bowl game, and maybe matched the (really pretty unimpressive) 7-6 record Kiffin had in season 1. As for that season, IMO we should have beaten Auburn, UCLA and Ole Miss and been 10-2 vs. 7-5, we had the talent for it. I will balance that by saying that uga was a legit upset, but we should have at least been 9-3 which is what Fulmer did in 2007.

If Kiffin had stayed...I'm not sure we wouldn't be Texas A&M under Fisher, record-wise. Granted Fisher's offese sucked balls and Kiffin's in recent years has been really good, but I don't think he was at his current level in 2009. So the details might have been different, but I think Kiffin would have underachieved with the talent he had. He did in 2009 IMO
1. Kiffen never goes to Bama and they are short two titles
2. kiffin isn't that good at beating winning teams which makes him a diluted Mark Richt and we stick with him for about 8 years after which he is fired
3. Butch Jones keeps winning at Cincinnati which makes him the next candidate for LSU in 2016
4. After we fire kiffin, we hire a hot name at the time like Charlie Strong or Tom Herman
5. Those guys flame out so we hire Matt Campbell since he likes our stability
6. During this entire time, Butch has built a dynasty at LSU and wins four consecutive natties with Pruitt as his DC
7. Butch marries pole assassin
8. LSU is destroyed
9. Texas is finally back
10. Matt Campbell is fired
11. We hire Heupel
Good job.
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Ole Miss vs Uga? My response...not sure Ole Miss is the floor. Kiffin improved over 2008, but that was a very low bar. Hell, we would have won the Wyoming game going away had that f---ing idiot Hamilton not fired Fulmer that week and then completely bungled the presser (why even have a presser like that is a whole other thing). Then been 6-6 and maybe won the bowl game, and maybe matched the (really pretty unimpressive) 7-6 record Kiffin had in season 1. As for that season, IMO we should have beaten Auburn, UCLA and Ole Miss and been 10-2 vs. 7-5, we had the talent for it. I will balance that by saying that uga was a legit upset, but we should have at least been 9-3 which is what Fulmer did in 2007.

If Kiffin had stayed...I'm not sure we wouldn't be Texas A&M under Fisher, record-wise. Granted Fisher's offese sucked balls and Kiffin's in recent years has been really good, but I don't think he was at his current level in 2009. So the details might have been different, but I think Kiffin would have underachieved with the talent he had. He did in 2009 IMO
..didn’t read.

Went back and read. Meh
What were the NCAA sanctions we were facing? We self reported 6 secondary violations that year and the national media acted like it was a huge story. Schools like Ohio State have reported close to 100 secondaries in a year.

I’ve yet to see any evidence that UT was going to be sanctioned under Kiffin. Hell, USC hired him while going on probation. I doubt they’d have done that if they thought he was committing real violations.

Kiffin had horrific moral character at Tennessee and I remember quite a bit of unwanted attention from the NCAA while he was here. It’s simple math. Lacey and the Vol hostesses. Wrecked Lexus with coeds. Him and Ogre (and there that) telling Vol signees not to show up and follow him to USC. Regardless of what he is now he was a POS back in 2009.
Kiffin was in the middle of a personal crisis when he was here both professionally and personally. It just never was going to end well. He’s got a great offensive mind and he can build a program but he takes short cuts and had at the time addictions that would’ve made him crash and burn down whatever he was close to.
Kiffin had horrific moral character at Tennessee and I remember quite a bit of unwanted attention from the NCAA while he was here. It’s simple math. Lacey and the Vol hostesses. Wrecked Lexus with coeds. Him and Ogre (and there that) telling Vol signees not to show up and follow him to USC. Regardless of what he is now he was a POS back in 2009.
Wait til you hear about this guy Urban Meyer. He had a team of murderers, stalkers, assailants, and other felons. He lied, cheated, and schemed his way to a few national titles.

His programs were put on probation zero times. That’s the simple math.
Wait til you hear about this guy Urban Meyer. He had a team of murderers, stalkers, assailants, and other felons. He lied, cheated, and schemed his way to a few national titles.

His programs were put on probation zero times. That’s the simple math.
…whew. Don’t feed a troll. Iykyk.
If Kiffin had stayed. we would probably have faced some NCAA sanctions.
No evidence there. Trust me. If possible, they would have leveled sanctions. They were too busy laughing their ****ing asses off when they saw we hired Dooley.

I actually have a pair of Dooley erange slacks. 🤣
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Ole Miss vs Uga? My response...not sure Ole Miss is the floor. Kiffin improved over 2008, but that was a very low bar. Hell, we would have won the Wyoming game going away had that f---ing idiot Hamilton not fired Fulmer that week and then completely bungled the presser (why even have a presser like that is a whole other thing). Then been 6-6 and maybe won the bowl game, and maybe matched the (really pretty unimpressive) 7-6 record Kiffin had in season 1. As for that season, IMO we should have beaten Auburn, UCLA and Ole Miss and been 10-2 vs. 7-5, we had the talent for it. I will balance that by saying that uga was a legit upset, but we should have at least been 9-3 which is what Fulmer did in 2007.

If Kiffin had stayed...I'm not sure we wouldn't be Texas A&M under Fisher, record-wise. Granted Fisher's offense sucked balls and Kiffin's in recent years has been really good, but I don't think he was at his current level in 2009. So the details might have been different, but I think Kiffin would have underachieved with the talent he had. He did in 2009 IMO
Kiffin had horrific moral character at Tennessee and I remember quite a bit of unwanted attention from the NCAA while he was here. It’s simple math. Lacey and the Vol hostesses. Wrecked Lexus with coeds. Him and Ogre (and there that) telling Vol signees not to show up and follow him to USC. Regardless of what he is now he was a POS back in 2009.
“The players signed up to play for our coaches…not to wear those YELLOW jerseys.”
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The Kiffin hire always intrigued me - was it the best hire at the time? Probably not.
Was it the best Mike Hamilton could get? Probably not.
Was he the only guy that would have the cajones enough to follow a legend? Probably so.

The question posed here though - would UT look more like Ole Miss or more like UGA if Lane had stayed?
We would look more like Ole Miss...in the upper half of the SEC, winning "the game" once in a while, but never really getting over the hump to make it the SECCG or win a title...in other words we would be in about the same place we were in Fulmer's last 6 or 7 years.
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If they would have survived continuous NCAA investigations and severe penalties, he likely would have won a natty, or two, or more, imo.

They were the hottest thing in college football for that time period. They were cherry picking players they wanted, or buying whoever they wanted?? Idk, I have no proof of the latter.

They were certainly on their way to big, big things at UT. I'll always content that was the most stupid career move ever. I get that USC was his dream job and I believe that, he's a West Coast guy. I totally blame Mike Hamilton for allowing to him just to walk away. In defensive of Kiffin, apparently he was up front with Hamilton about leaving for USC if it ever came open.

Many of you will say that he failed at USC and there is truth to that. He walked into a horrible situation at USC with all the NCAA restrictions and probation caused by Pete Carroll.

If Kiffin would have stayed at UT, he'd either still be here, or coaching in the NFL after much success at UT. Just my thoughts......
It’s been posted many times here but LK has said on more than one occasion…”leaving Tennessee was my biggest career mistake “. How things would have turned out can’t be known…only discussed at high pitched volumes by we Vol fans. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
It is an interesting scenario. I don't think Kiffin would have last but the downfall of Tennessee football was two tier:

1. Kiffin leaving and scorch earthing our program
2. Hiring Derek Dooley as a quick replacement when he wasn't qualified

Oklahoma has went through the same issues with Lincoln Riley but they had Bob Stoops to manage things and hired Venables who is a far better hire than our Dooley hire.

There were a lot of factors against Tennessee during our rough years including:

1. Bad coaching hires
2. Loss of talent/prestige
3. Rivals hitting strides/high success (Alabama under Saban, Florida under Meyers early on, Georgia under Richt and then Smart)
4. Bad luck (Go back and look at our 2015 season as an example, we had 4 games lost by less than a TD that could have been won had the ball bounced our way on a play in each game).
Before some of you jackhammers start with he didn't star or grow up or move on or all the other violations slams, would we be more similar to Georgia or Ole Miss?
IMO, more like SMU. You cannot just ignore the violations and his recruiting techniques. That was who he was and he would not have changed unless he had some pain (USC).
Wait til you hear about this guy Urban Meyer. He had a team of murderers, stalkers, assailants, and other felons. He lied, cheated, and schemed his way to a few national titles.

His programs were put on probation zero times. That’s the simple math.

Urban Meyer enjoyed a level of status with the NCAA that Kiffin will not achieve, and certainly didn't have during his time in Knoxville.

We received a dozen or so NCAA violations from the brief 13 months he was with us.
It’s been posted many times here but LK has said on more than one occasion…”leaving Tennessee was my biggest career mistake “. How things would have turned out can’t be known…only discussed at high pitched volumes by we Vol fans. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
Yeah, Murderers say they wish they had done it different too. Changes nothing. He is now just a little smarter piece of crap. Still looking to be upwardly mobile. Just no takers.
We probably would've been NCAA sanctioned into oblivion.

At the time, Kiffin was a terrible cultural fit here. He lacked emotional intelligence, he was very unaccomadating to the media and public in general, he recruited some HIGHLY questionable players, plus, other than his dad, I don't think he would have retained staff very well. At the time, I think abruptly losing Kiffin was a blessing in disguise. We just didn't have the proper leadership to handle the situation correctly.
Didn’t we get that anyway?
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