I saw a bizarre foods, or some show like that where these african tribesman shared their delicacy with the host.
The tribesman take a fresh killed boar, cut a circle around the sphincter and pull about two feet of intestine from the business end. They cut this off, and insert a stick all the way through the turd tunnel. Extra care is taken while inserting the stick, which will hereafter serve as a spit, in order to prevent pushing or knocking out any of the delicious dookie filling. The tribesman points out this is best accomplished by pinching the end off while slowly inserting and rotating the stick, he smiled happily at his handiwork. Right then and there, at the site of the kill a small fire is made. The fire is frightfully small, small enough to be worrisome to all but E. Coli and his best buds, Tricky Nosis, and Hep B. The tribesman holds his all-natural turd sausage over the fire just long enough to get a good sear, to hold in the juices, and when the end gets a good curl(which would have happened anyway. had nature been allowed to take its course, and the boar had seen things through) he grins and takes a big bite. Then offers the host, who explains exactly how many antibiotics he has had in preparation, and how many he will take after the fact. He then takes a bite and barely keeps it down, shuddering in revulsion. The dead boar, with tasty chops, ham and bacon still intact, seems to eye the entire affair with resigned, helpless suspicion.
I don't know exactly what they call that, but thats what its been so far.