I realize some of us (me included) will never accept a losing record. But we have won the games we were suppose to. Lost all but one that we were supposed to. Recruited better than anyone thought we would. And have a good shot at a bowl many thought we wouldn't get. If we lose Saturday life will go on. As every one in college football seems to know we lack speed. But take a deep breath and look around the SEC East. Florida is falling apart. Georgia fans are wondering if they got the right coach. We still are good enough to beat USCjr. Missouri will come back to earth "We hope". Franklin won't be around much longer. And that blue team well..... The East is up for grabs and we are stockpiling talent. Maybe just maybe we are going in the right direction. And if we are, maybe even the "TIDE" will turn in our favor. Really though I just love my team. And that is THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE FOOTBALL (Screaming Rocky Top till I die, run through that Power T, then punch them in the eye!!!) TEAM. GBO!!!!