If Wilcox doesn't leave is Dooley still here?



regular old member
May 2, 2007
Question.....If Wilcox does not head west and the defense continues under his leadership with a bend but not break mentality and Sal is never admitted into UT campus. Is Dooley still here?
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Even though our offense was explosive, if you look at Dooley's record his teams just found ways to lose so I still think we would've only won 5 games. That's just my personal opinion. I just don't like to picture any scenario where that guy is our head coach any longer than he unfortunately was.
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Question.....If Wilcox does not head west and the defense continues under his leadership with a bend but not break mentality and Sal is never admitted into UT campus. Is Dooley still here?
Short answer = Yes.
Some folks give Wilcox way too much credit. Would the defense have dropped to #110 if Sunseri doesn't ignorantly switch to the 3-4 without the horses to pull it off? Probably not. If Wilcox stays, does the defense finish in the top half of the country? I think that's pretty doubtful, too.
Note to UT AD. Anytime you have a coach on the hot seat and 80% of his staff jumps ship....you bout to hit your Iceberg, Captain Titanic.
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Some folks give Wilcox way too much credit. Would the defense have dropped to #110 if Sunseri doesn't ignorantly switch to the 3-4 without the horses to pull it off? Probably not. If Wilcox stays, does the defense finish in the top half of the country? I think that's pretty doubtful, too.
Almost every single starter on the defense was a 4-5* recruit....so, hell yes, the defense would have been better with continuity Wilcox would have provided.

Note to AD: When your HC, who just so happens to be on the hot seat and has 80% of his staff bail....AND says he wants to switch to a 3-4 defense....AND hire a lifelong position coach to be his new DC, you just struck the iceberg, Capt. Titanic!
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Question.....If Wilcox does not head west and the defense continues under his leadership with a bend but not break mentality and Sal is never admitted into UT campus. Is Dooley still here?

Dooley is still here if he just promotes Lance Thompson.
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The real question is why Wilcox left. He did want his wagon hitched to Dooley any longer. I always said that UT should have fired dools after the UK loss and immediately promote Wilcox. He'll have a HC job in a few years.
If Wilcox was here I feel the Mizzou debacle would not have happened, and the Vandy loss might not have been such a blow out....That single win was probably enough for Dools to keep his job.
The real question is why Wilcox left. He did want his wagon hitched to Dooley any longer. I always said that UT should have fired dools after the UK loss and immediately promote Wilcox. He'll have a HC job in a few years.

Not in the SEC.
Sal Sunseri was the best thing that could have happened to us because it gave us two things.

First it gave us the Gruden Thread

Then it eventually led to the hiring of Coach Jones
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If Majors had taken better care of his cardiovascular health as a young to middle aged man, would we have won the NC in 98?
Some folks give Wilcox way too much credit. Would the defense have dropped to #110 if Sunseri doesn't ignorantly switch to the 3-4 without the horses to pull it off? Probably not. If Wilcox stays, does the defense finish in the top half of the country? I think that's pretty doubtful, too.

I disagree. Wilcox last defense at Tennessee ranked around 30th in total D. We got in a lot of shootouts last year because we couldn't even line up correctly half the time. Other teams exploited that for huge plays over and over and over. It had everything to do with the 3-4 IMO. Our players were playing on their heels most of the time.
Now that being said, even if we make a huge jump this year and get back to the top 30 in total D, that's still only good enough for 4th in the east.
Even though our offense was explosive, if you look at Dooley's record his teams just found ways to lose so I still think we would've only won 5 games. That's just my personal opinion. I just don't like to picture any scenario where that guy is our head coach any longer than he unfortunately was.

We would have beat Missouri!!!!
I disagree. Wilcox last defense at Tennessee ranked around 30th in total D.

And were in the 60s the year before that

We got in a lot of shootouts last year because we couldn't even line up correctly half the time. Other teams exploited that for huge plays over and over and over. It had everything to do with the 3-4 IMO. Our players were playing on their heels most of the time.

The 3-4 doesn't really change anything for the secondary. UT's secondary was terrible last year. And it wasn't great in '11 either.

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