If Wilcox doesn't leave is Dooley still here?

Yes, no doubt in my mind Dooley would still be here and we woulda won 8+ games last season.....

Sal really bent us over..
Your list includes bowl games. Since Tennessee didn't play in one, it's only fair (and more accurate) to not include them:

Tennessee is 30th

Tennessee finished the 2011 college football season ranked 28th in Total Defense according to the NCAA, the official stat keeper for college football. You can try to qualify your mistake all you want but it remains a mistake.
Tennessee finished the 2011 college football season ranked 28th in Total Defense according to the NCAA, the official stat keeper for college football. You can try to qualify your mistake all you want but it remains a mistake.

I didn't "qualify" my mistake. I used the list for the end of the regular season because Tennessee did not play in the postseason.
Every team in college football could ask that question. If David Cutcliffe would have never left as OC, would Fulmer still be here?
Yes. Cut along with being a very good OC was Fulmer's spine in dealing with player issues or at least it seemed that way from the outside. Discipline was better across the board with him around.
If Malzhan would've stayed OC at Auburn, would Chizik still be there today? Probably so.

No. Chizik is probably a worse coach than Dooley.... and yes even Dooley could have stayed out of the way and let Cam Newton win a NC.
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Probably I'm really happy he isn't even if CBJ doesn't work out.

50 seconds in the 4th.....ball on the 45.....tied ball game....."lets just run the clock out". If I was AD I would have ran down there and fired him then. So much hate for him for that.
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Some folks give Wilcox way too much credit. Would the defense have dropped to #110 if Sunseri doesn't ignorantly switch to the 3-4 without the horses to pull it off? Probably not. If Wilcox stays, does the defense finish in the top half of the country? I think that's pretty doubtful, too.

It didn't need to be great. UT would still not have been in the top half of the conference (overall) had he stayed, but Dooley would still be here.

He did UT a favor and UT obliged by hiring Sunseri. Win/Win in the end.
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switching to the 3-4 when your linebacker corps is very weak was a stupid decision.
First off, I don't 'luv' any coach. But neither do I jump on a haters bandwagon ust because a coach looses. They just need to be replaced.

That said ... Absolutely yes. Dooley would have still been here if Wilcox hadn't left. Or, for that matter, possibly if any other DC available had been hired. It was Sunseri who couldn't get it done. If anyone knows the truth of that I'm sure we'd all like to know. Why was it he didn't get the D to produce? He obviously had been around long enough to know the Xs & Os.

Wilcox plain and simple moved home. Most folks would for comparable money. He now lives within a few miles of his home place so he 'improved his quality of life'. Sirmon followed him home back to the far north west. Russel went to Wazzu to have only the responsibility of special teams and be Assistant HC whereas at Tennessee he split special teams and tight ends, in other words he got a better offer. Bennie Wylie the strength coach did pretty much the same thing.... "Wylie was on the verge of doing things for the Vols, but strangely enough a bigger check was written, and he all but skipped back to the Lone Star State." So, ... he also got a better offer. So there's four out of the seven who didn't "jump ship" as so many are wont to say. They just got a better deal. I haven't checked out the rest, I'm sure a couple did 'jump ship', but by no means all.

So Dooley wound up with virtually all new assistants, and especially a DC who couldn't connect with the players.

Dooley's recruiting was (what shall we say) ... different? He did get "Mount" McCullers, and "Catch Me if You Can" Patterson among others. And I don't believe any NCAA coach alive would have left off recruiting his own state for long, not even Dooley ...remember he pretty much had to build a team out of scratch, and the pickin's were slim in Tennessee.

But the offense was the (what?) second or third most prolific in putting points on the board in Volunteer history. Give that offense even a reasonably good defense and every game they played last year would have been different, and they would have won several more games. Several.

But ...

Dooley broke his hip (and anyone who has had to live with pain knows how it don't make you the most friendly face in the crowd, constant pain clouds your reason). Why in the world they medical staff didn't find that out sooner we'll never know. Dooley had a new Training Facility to worry about.

Seven new assistants and Sunseri was obviously the wrong man by the 2nd half of the Florida game. And why was it so hard for the defense to pick up the 3-4, as we've all heard "It ain't rocket science!" ALL FOUR TEAMS in this years BCS CG and Super Bowl ran the 3-4.

Clowney made that one blindside hit on Tyler after Tiny Richardson held him in check all game.

ahhh .. I'd hoped that Derek Dooley could be the man. I think most of us did. As far as game day coaching, I don't know any coach, even successful ones, who haven't made their fair share of boners. Look at Les Miles. He tries a trick play that fails and grins at the camera! In the Missouri game, after putting up enough points to win any game if the defense had shown up, the offense wasn't executing on that last couple of series. But wasting the timeouts and time and going for the tie was the wrong thing to do. That was when I finally decided he was the wrong man to coach the Volunteers. Even if we had won in OT. Dooley, well, he's just the unluckiest college coach I've ever seen. Some of that he brought on himself, but not all by any stretch of the imagination. I don't hate him, I actually feel sorry for him and what his kids had to endure at school the last few months.

Now, that era of watching an unlucky man having to stomp out wildfires while trying to set up a stable program is hopefully gone forever. If CBJ, Bajakian and Jancek are good SEC game day coaches, it is.
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^Wow, now that's a load of excuses. What I wonder is when the day will come that people don't come on here regularly to write 100+ word posts blaming everything (he "had a training facility to worry about"? really? wow, what a burden!) but Dooley for his obvious failures.
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Some folks give Wilcox way too much credit. Would the defense have dropped to #110 if Sunseri doesn't ignorantly switch to the 3-4 without the horses to pull it off? Probably not. If Wilcox stays, does the defense finish in the top half of the country? I think that's pretty doubtful, too.

He would have had almost all of the same personnel back plus some good players, running the same scheme, and against a somewhat easier schedule. It is a very good bet that Wilcox would have finished in the top 25% of the NCAA and top 4 or 5 of the SEC.

Before you get all jacked up... that would have put the Vols ahead of Vandy... who ran a similar style and philosophy of D with lesser players.

Wilcox's D avg'd 22.6 ppg. Even equalling that result gives UT at least 3 or 4 more wins. That would mean they avg'd more than two TD's more than their opponents... which is about what UF accomplished. But in fact the O might have scored more with a better D.

There are always bunches of "if's and but's"... BUT Wilcox was worth at least 3 wins IMO.
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As someone earlier mentioned, Dooley established a habit of finding ways to lose. His teams snatched defeat from the jaws of victory several times. One or two of those potential wins might have saved his job (to the long term detriment of the program).

Dooley got his shot. In spite of moronic claims by some, that's all I have ever supported for him. He got it. He failed... and he would have failed eventually regardless. He might have been good enough to have lasted another year or two with Wilcox or a better starting point. He was not good enough IMO to ever bring championships to UT. He made poor decisions on the field and had relationship problems off it.

Dooley raised the program some. It isn't the dung fire it was 3 years ago. But he didn't do enough or win enough to save his job. Its a tough profession but he was not "unlucky" or mistreated. Hart was apparently ready to keep him at 7-5 or even 6-6 last year. He was going to accept that underachievement with a roster that should have competed for the East. Dooley didn't just miss the bull's eye by a few hairs. He made a 25 yd shot on a 50 yd target.
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I think Dooley would still be the coach of Wilcox had stayed. Our defense his last year was something like 29th in the nation. Not the best but it would've been a heck of a lot better than being 117 out of 120 in the nation last year. I think that would've been enough to help us beat Georgia and Missouri. Both were very close, all offense games. Others could've been close too. However, glad Wilcox left because...Butch gets it!
I didn't "qualify" my mistake. I used the list for the end of the regular season because Tennessee did not play in the postseason.

"To qualify a statement" means to make a change or add a nuance that didn't exist in the original statement. When I proved to you that the Vols finished the 2011 season ranked 28th in Total D you changed your statement by claiming you didn't mean the end of the season just an arbitrary point during the season that makes your statement look correct. You see this kind of thing a lot with schoolkids, not the upper grades so much, but still...
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Question.....If Wilcox does not head west and the defense continues under his leadership with a bend but not break mentality and Sal is never admitted into UT campus. Is Dooley still here?

Why even go there? How could you not be optimistic about our future with Jones at the helm? Are you still wondering if Fulmer would be here if.....??? Just saying. Go Vols!!
No, he's not. Bite me.

Just admit it dude, you were wrong?

Is it that hard?

I can do it...

I was wrong about Dooley.
I was wrong about Bray being drafted
I was wrong about beating Mizoo and Vandy last year.
I was wrong about my x girlfriend.

It's not hard man, just get it out. You will feel much better.
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Why yes if Wilcox hasn't left, Dooley woulda national championship last yr!!!! ASK A stupid question---Get a stupid answer!!!!! Geez get on w/the new already
Probably I'm really happy he isn't even if CBJ doesn't work out.

50 seconds in the 4th.....ball on the 45.....tied ball game....."lets just run the clock out". If I was AD I would have ran down there and fired him then. So much hate for him for that.

Spot on!!! :eek:k: :rock: :hi:

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