I may be alone here on the fence but I never got on board with this hire to begin with. I wanted the splash hire. I figured that the AD owed the fans something after the crap product they've been serving up lo these many seasons but for whatever reason Hart was unwilling or unable to serve us up the kind of big name that would become a rallying point for fans and players alike. Butch will be here at least another couple of years, unless he pulls a Kiffin move on us, so I'm not going to trash him in year one but from where I sit this staff started out at ground zero and I need tangible proof that the bricks are being laid as promised. The next two games will be telling. Vandy won't be easy but we get 2 weeks to prepare and its in Neyland. Kentucky is who we think they are. There's no good reason for this team not to make a bowl game. After that we wait to see if they get the hay in the barn come Feb.