been to atlanta and loved it.... plan on going to chicago soon........ love the diversity of cultures and not the small-town attitude of "my way or no way."
That is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Small town != white.
You love the idea of diversity. Just because there are a bunch of different colors doesn't mean they like each other.
Unlike you, I see people as people, not as colors. I don't need my friends list to look like college entrance figures to consider myself "diverse."
I mean, great job having a friends list that's 17% asian, 40 % white, 28 % black, and 15% hispanic.
Makes you such a great person.
Growing up in a town where the population is white makes you no more a racist than growing up in a small town in Mexico where folks are pretty much all Mexican.
You're a troll. You have some skewed world-view where you think visiting big cities and other states somehow bestowed culture upon you.
You're a one-upper, the kid that sits in class spewing whatever garbage some other "in-touch" idiot posted on DailyKos.
You see diversity as some challenge to up your culture stats.
Most of us take our friends and acquaintances as they come. We don't actively seek diversity for diversity's sake, but we DAMN sure don't deny it.