Illinois gov teaching sex ed

"Grades 3-5 would cover anatomy, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression "

Sounds to me like this is a way for the state to indoctrinate children with transgender garbage (i.e. "gender fluidity"). Which is what the left has been pushing for a while.

This doesn't belong in schools. This doesn't belong anywhere near children.

Illinois cant get schools opened, so they're focused on the important stuff.
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Sounds like you could use a sodomy lesson. Maybe you'd relax and realize how ridiculously ignorant your posts in here are.

I have kids in schools and so do my friends and have not experienced this widespread indoctrination you always claim. The curriculum was laid out for you and you ignore it in favor of some made up fantasy land run by evil libruls.

Sodomy is the appropriate term for thise behavior. If you want to teach your kids that gay is fine, that's your choice, if you're cool with them dressing up as drag queens thats on you.

It should be forced oparents who believed its not morally right.
Sodomy is the appropriate term for thise behavior. If you want to teach your kids that gay is fine, that's your choice, if you're cool with them dressing up as drag queens thats on you.

It should be forced oparents who believed its not morally right.
You don't know the full definition of the words you use. And yes, I will teach my children that consensual acts between adults is not wrong.
I knew about sex in the 4th grade. Pre internet. By the time I had sex ed in 7th grade it was too late.

Kids these days are on a different clock as far as when they learn about stuff.

As with any subject it's up to the individual about what is acceptable and how much the parents counter or reinforce what they are taught at school.
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I knew about sex in the 4th grade. Pre internet. By the time I had sex ed in 7th grade it was too late.

Kids these days are on a different clock as far as when they learn about stuff.

As with any subject it's up to the individual about what is acceptable and how much the parents counter or reinforce what they are taught at school.

Growing up on a farm I knew about sex pretty damn early, it shouldn't be taught in school until at least middle school and should be limited to "how it works" and what diseases you can get from it. Also every boy should have to spend a day in family court at least once per year through HS.
Growing up on a farm I knew about sex pretty damn early, it shouldn't be taught in school until at least middle school and should be limited to "how it works" and what diseases you can get from it. Also every boy should have to spend a day in family court at least once per year through HS.
Most of our sex ed was just picture after picture of what the STDs do to people. I didnt eat lunch for a week.
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Except that's not what it is. That's just what joe chose to make his thread title
ummmmm OK then I am completely lost, but the first line in the linked story is talking about the requirement for "some form of sexual education", etc etc.
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Then offer the course that teaches about personal space/private areas. They don't need to know about the rest of the left's agenda at such a young age.
That's what this is doing. Just ignore the thread title

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