Illinois gov teaching sex ed

You bring up a good point. Kids these days with tablets and phones undoubtedly are going to be exposed to sex (via internet) much sooner than most of us were. It makes sense to teach them about it sooner to avoid 14 year old pregnant girls. If I had a tablet and internet when I was in middle school I can tell you what I would have spent all my time doing. And it ain't studying.
How do you know it will prevent rather than accelerate the rate of 14 year old pregnancies? That stuff looks like it feels good and like it is a lot of fun.... doesn't it?

There was a NOVA (I believe) segment called 'The Lost Children of Rockdale County". (It's on Youtube, I just checked) These were YOUNG high school kids doing things I never dreamed of at that age. And like someone else brought up, I grew up in a rural environment so sex was not exactly a locked in the closet concept. Now.. throw the easy access to all those sites you mentioned, and I am not sure more 'adult approved' exposure is the answer. Frankly, I don't have a clue what is, but nature gonna nature. I guess the question is whether or not parents want leftist government schools teaching their kids about this, or should they do it themselves.
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How do you know it will prevent rather than accelerate the rate of 14 year old pregnancies? That stuff looks like it feels good and like it is a lot of fun.... doesn't it?
The government and schools can't compete with hormones and teenagers. What ever government education bills they pass will fail miserably.

Kind of like the D.A.R.E. program waisted billions. The government got knocked out by drugs. What chance do they have against sex?

Maybe Parenting/FamilyUnit matters and is more responsible for educating kids about life choices than the government and schools.

I'm about to share an educational anecdote about the Memphis City Schools Board of Education from the 90's. I don't have any good archives or links, but over the years I've read about this scenario unfolding in the exact same manner all over the country.

In the early/mid 90's, Memphis had a rash of violent incidents involving weapons. Even a few shootings. The Board of Education invited parents, the PTA, and all members of the community too their auditorium for an open referendum to discuss the appropriate changes and safety measures that needed to be taken at schools.
The parents showed up by the 10's of people. Maybe a hundred if you're being very generous.
When they had an open referendum to discuss a tabled motion to cancel the free lunch program. The parents literally showed up by the thousands to save their entire 1 dollar a day.

If the silly Bill must pass. Make the curriculum opt-in only. They'll save their State's education department's hundreds of thousands, If not millions, in administrative costs. They'll also get a reality check about how much the constituents they claim to be representing really care about this non sense.
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