Imagine the roles were reversed ....

Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican Party nominee for President for the 3rd straight Presidential Election cycle. It is ridiculous to pretend that he isn't pertinent subject matter in a forum designated for political discussion.

... but if you don't want to talk about him, nobody is forcing you to. Why do you care so much about what other people are discussing?
Why do you care what I care about what other people care to discuss? It’s weird.
A link and some context would help.

I have no idea what you could be talking about right now. I don't watch mainstream news or hang on their every word, so I'm out the loop on these trivial things.
I'm really too lazy to even search Google on what LG is talking about. WTF did Trump do now to get his panties in a knot?
I'm really too lazy to even search Google on what LG is talking about. WTF did Trump do now to get his panties in a knot?
He's upset the new Saudi based pro golf tour (LIV) is playing at Trump's New Jersey course. They will also be playing in Portland, Boston and Chicago as well as Trump's Miami course.
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He's upset the new Saudi based pro golf tour (LIV) is playing at Trump's New Jersey course. They will also be playing in Portland, Boston and Chicago as well as Trump's Miami course.
OK... So? I mean, if we don't punish them for 911, why should we punish them because of this golf tour? Or punish Trump for that matter?
And Biden had a golf course near 9/11 ground zero, and Biden hosted a Saudi-backed golf tournament there, teed off the day before. Undermined the PGA, criticized it, and backed the Saudi tour, just to make a buck.
WTF is this about?

The Republicans would be screaming at the top of their lungs, and you know they would. This is such a bad look for Trump. Would not surprise me if DeSantis or some other wanna bes jump on him for it.
Jump on what? A golf tournament?

I'm confused? What is the big deal here?
Why do you care what I care about what other people care to discuss? It’s weird.
Why do you care what I care that you care ... oh, never mind.

The point is that the "he's living rent free in your head" line is overdone. It is posted in every thread where Trump is even casually mentioned.
Is it just me or did we used to have threads about issues, ideology, and principles?
OK, here's an issue: Was the Saudi government complicit in the 9/11 plot? Or do we really have no idea what happened?
Does it say the Saudi government was behind the attacks? If so, point it out.
We all know the majority of the perps were Saudi. Hell, we knew that within days.
You’re so blinded by the liberal jizz in your eyes you immediately assume a question is a what-aboutism.
I didn’t say anything about Trump’s comments at all. Personally, I believe the back stabbing bastard Saudi government was heavily involved and that the 9/11 Commission Report is PR piece. So take your peanut gallery and your OMG and shove them up your anus
They were.

When Trump said that "Nobody's gotten to the bottom of 9/11," he was either lying about what he knows, or he was expressing his willful ignorance.

Newly released video shows 9/11 hijackers with alleged Saudi intelligence operative

Long-Secret FBI Report Reveals New Connections Between 9/11 Hijackers and Saudi Religious Officials in U.S. — ProPublica

FBI report says Saudi officials provided support network for 9/11 hijackers

If Trump wasn't aware of this FBI report, as President of the United States, he should have been aware of it. It was completed in 2016.
OK, here's an issue: Was the Saudi government complicit in the 9/11 plot? Or do we really have no idea what happened?
If complicit, why has America done business with Saudi Arabia for 21 years? I mean if it is settled and the smoking gun is obvious, we (America) have been rather chummy with terrorist facilitators, haven't we?
... and before anyone mentions it .... Yes, Biden's recent slurpfest with the Saudi's was a disgrace. Biden de-classified the FBI report last year, so of course, he knows what it says. Even more than Trump, Biden looks weak for going over there and groveling... but at least Biden didn't deny knowledge of the Saudi government's connection to the 9/11 hijackers, as Trump just did.
And Biden had a golf course near 9/11 ground zero, and Biden hosted a Saudi-backed golf tournament there, teed off the day before. Undermined the PGA, criticized it, and backed the Saudi tour, just to make a buck.

The Republicans would be screaming at the top of their lungs, and you know they would. This is such a bad look for Trump. Would not surprise me if DeSantis or some other wanna bes jump on him for it.
Trump being an opportunistic, egomaniac with bad ethics is settled science. Not sure what you're what your point is with a "roles reversed" angle. Plenty of Republicans are killing Trump for participating Saudi Arabia's attempt at sportswashing.

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