Imagine the roles were reversed ....

There is a school of thought that should be considered.

If words from a man is making the scum from both parties uneasy then he may be effectively drawing them out. The fact that they are hell bent on hurting him makes me think they have a lot to hide. Rs and Ds.

If you cannot see this then I can’t help you. It’s right out there in the open.

...And here's where I will draw a higher standard for people in public office (not named DJT). I know exactly what DJT is. He's a promoter. Will say anything no matter how outlandish, how untrue, or how maddening as long as it facilitates his message penetrating further and deeper into the public.

Can I say the same for a career politician? Did Biden say "put yall back in chains" or "you aint black" because he made his bones as a bombastic promoter? I don't think so. As much as Velo is irritated people believe DJT, I am beside myself people believed Biden and he 'got a pass' for those disgusting phrases. Same for Obama, the great unifier, with his bitter clinger comment. Hillary, deplorables. Bush 2, compassionate conservatism. I could go on but it makes no difference.
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Biden has largely shutdown our countries lifeblood and traveled to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil. Most agree this action was a slap in the face to us and overall, a moronic decision. Trump who is no longer POTUS hosts a golf tournament for the Saudi's and utters dumb comments about 9/11. JFC the selective outrage in here from a few of you is priceless.
I feel like the OP is right, regardless of the rent free comments. If this were a democrat there would be uproar all over the board.
You could be right.

You could also be wrong. The fact that those shady ass people think he’s a bad person could be even worse.
Look at how much hate they have for outsiders. Any representative or senator that is not in their club they despise. A president like this is hated on another level.

One thing he did was expose the uniparty. They hate him.
There is a school of thought that should be considered.

If words from a man is making the scum from both parties uneasy then he may be effectively drawing them out. The fact that they are hell bent on hurting him makes me think they have a lot to hide. Rs and Ds.

If you cannot see this then I can’t help you. It’s right out there in the open.
Oh yeah that 3d chess we always heard about from the brilliant DJT. He's an opportunist who doesn't even care enough to go through these exercises
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Oh yeah that 3d chess we always heard about from the brilliant DJT. He's an opportunist who doesn't even care enough to go through these exercises
Care isn't even in the decision flow chart for him. Promotion is the only line on his chart.
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Biden has largely shutdown our countries lifeblood and traveled to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil. Most agree this action was a slap in the face to us and overall, a moronic decision. Trump who is no longer POTUS hosts a golf tournament for the Saudi's and utters dumb comments about 9/11. JFC the selective outrage in here from a few of you is priceless.
Biden deserves heat over this. He de-classified that FBI report in the manner of a classic Friday night news dump last September... with as little fanfare as possible. He has never talked about it. Biden has no leadership skills at all. You aren't talking about me with that last sentence.

When I think of the United States' relationship with Saudi Arabia, I think of the line from the Bill Murray movie Rushmore :

"With friends like you, who needs friends?"
Biden deserves heat over this. He de-classified that FBI report in the manner of a classic Friday night news dump last September... with as little fanfare as possible. He has never talked about it. Biden has no leadership skills at all. You aren't talking about me with that last sentence.

When I think of the United States' relationship with Saudi Arabia, I think of the line from the Bill Murray movie Rushmore :

"With friends like you, who needs friends?"

No not you BB because I have read your posts regarding this. I am not giving Trump a pass either. The comments about 9/11 were in poor taste and completely unnecessary. I tend to have concern about who is currently running the show instead of the former CIC and how problems will be resolved.
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And Biden had a golf course near 9/11 ground zero, and Biden hosted a Saudi-backed golf tournament there, teed off the day before. Undermined the PGA, criticized it, and backed the Saudi tour, just to make a buck.

The Republicans would be screaming at the top of their lungs, and you know they would. This is such a bad look for Trump. Would not surprise me if DeSantis or some other wanna bes jump on him for it.
Trump isnt president move on. I didnt care about pre-presidency private citizen trump, and I dont care about post-presidency private citizen Trump.

The less attention you pay him, the less you will care about him
No not you BB because I have read your posts regarding this. I am not giving Trump a pass either. The comments about 9/11 were in poor taste and completely unnecessary. I tend to have concern about who is currently running the show instead of the former CIC and how problems will be resolved.
My constant ridicule of Trump leads a lot of people around here to assume that means I like Biden. I can't stand Biden's weakness. I can not believe that he would travel to Riyadh to kiss a$$ with everything he knows. Biden is an embarrassment. I honestly would consider voting for a Republican for the first time for President in 2024, as long as that didn't mean voting for Trump. Biden really is that bad.
OK, here's an issue: Was the Saudi government complicit in the 9/11 plot? Or do we really have no idea what happened?
That’s what I was asking originally when I responded to LG. I think the govt knows, but have kept it from the public.
Oh yeah that 3d chess we always heard about from the brilliant DJT. He's an opportunist who doesn't even care enough to go through these exercises
I’m not saying he’s doing things intentionally. But he did stir up the establishment. There is no denying that
Trump isnt president move on. I didnt care about pre-presidency private citizen trump, and I dont care about post-presidency private citizen Trump.

The less attention you pay him, the less you will care about him

He's the front runner for the GOP in '24. He seeks the nomination, he gets it. Others are too afraid of the base to say what needs to be said.

So, Trump's questionable conduct is absolutely of note these days.
What was it Biden said about black people?
Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.

But the white kids want to throw the poor kids back in chains.

Al this under the watch of the clean and well spoken Barry Obummer.

End of quote. Repeat the line.
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