In B4 LG starts the DOJ brings suit VS Georgia thread.

It’s all theater, they know the DOJ doesn’t have a case but when a Trump appointee tosses it they and their minions in the press get to screech Truuuuuuump.
If the 2020 race proved anything…….it proved that the DNC has the ability to make sure everyone who wants to vote will have all the help they need getting an ID to vote.
If there’s an actual problem in getting an ID then change the laws that are causing the problem.
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If the 2020 race proved anything…….it proved that the DNC has the ability to make sure everyone who wants to vote will have all the help they need getting an ID to vote.
If there’s an actual problem in getting an ID then change the laws that are causing the problem.

It’s always amazed me at how the Dems get away with treating AAs like incompetent boobs.
Biden administration can’t pass HR1 through constitutional means (legislatively through the Congress), so they immediately do what they always do, try to short circuit democracy through the Courts. Same weasel plan they always fall back on. Predicable and pathetic
Can anyone explain the reasoning behind passing a law that someone cannot bring food or water to someone waiting in line to vote? I mean other than knowing some will get thirsty and leave joining those who already got tired and left. The fact that black voters throughout Georgia have to wait in much longer lines than white voters is well established.
Can anyone explain the reasoning behind passing a law that someone cannot bring food or water to someone waiting in line to vote? I mean other than knowing some will get thirsty and leave joining those who already got tired and left. The fact that black voters throughout Georgia have to wait in much longer lines than white voters is well established.
This is a false narrative. The law doesn't say that.

Food and water can still be provided. What you can't do is offer it as an enticement or campaign within 150' of the poll. The Warnock campaign was handing out bottles labeled "Warnock Water" to voters waiting in line. I doubt it changed many votes, but it's become common practice in some places to give away drinks, free pizza etc purchased by campaigns.
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Can anyone explain the reasoning behind passing a law that someone cannot bring food or water to someone waiting in line to vote? I mean other than knowing some will get thirsty and leave joining those who already got tired and left. The fact that black voters throughout Georgia have to wait in much longer lines than white voters is well established.
Election Day is in November. No one is going to be dying of heat prostration in November.
Election Day is in November. No one is going to be dying of heat prostration in November.
Right, no one ever gets thirsty in November. But a lot of elections, especially primaries are held in the summer.
This is a false narrative. The law doesn't say that.

Food and water can still be provided. What you can't do is offer it as an enticement or campaign within 150' of the poll. The Warnock campaign was handing out bottles labeled "Warnock Water" to voters waiting in line. I doubt it changed many votes, but it's become common practice in some places to give away drinks, free pizza etc purchased by campaigns.

No one can give a voter in line food or water within 150 ft of a polling place. Poll workers can but are not required to provide water.

PolitiFact - The facts about Georgia’s ban on food, water giveaways to voters
Can anyone explain the reasoning behind passing a law that someone cannot bring food or water to someone waiting in line to vote? I mean other than knowing some will get thirsty and leave joining those who already got tired and left. The fact that black voters throughout Georgia have to wait in much longer lines than white voters is well established.
It doesn't it's so candidate A supporters can't give out bottles of water with candidate A's picture on them.
Right, no one ever gets thirsty in November. But a lot of elections, especially primaries are held in the summer.
And there aren't long lines to vote in a primary.

And GA law requires 3+ weeks of early voting to take place. If that's restrictive, I don't know how they can make it easier.
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And there aren't long lines to vote in a primary.

And GA law requires 3+ weeks of early voting to take place. If that's restrictive, I don't know how they can make it easier.
Hold the elections at mall food courts. Unless paying for your calzone at Sbarro would be twisted into a poll tax.
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This is a false narrative. The law doesn't say that.

Food and water can still be provided. What you can't do is offer it as an enticement or campaign within 150' of the poll. The Warnock campaign was handing out bottles labeled "Warnock Water" to voters waiting in line. I doubt it changed many votes, but it's become common practice in some places to give away drinks, free pizza etc purchased by campaigns.
This is not how the statute reads.

(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:
(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established;
(2) Within any polling place; or
(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.
These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which cannot be seen or heard by such electors.

Each use of the words “nor shall” indicates a separate and distinct prohibition.

You cannot solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, (If what follows was all just about soliciting or enticing then it would be redundant because it’s already encompassed by “any means or method”)

You cannot distribute or display any campaign material.

You cannot give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector,

You cannot solicit signatures for any petition. (For your version to be correct, this would have to be an enticement. It’s not.)

You cannot establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast, unless you’re an election official.
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