In B4 LG starts the DOJ brings suit VS Georgia thread.

This is not how the statute reads.

Each use of the words “nor shall” indicates a separate and distinct prohibition.

You cannot solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, (If what follows was all just about soliciting or enticing then it would be redundant because it’s already encompassed by “any means or method”)

You cannot distribute or display any campaign material.

You cannot give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector,

You cannot solicit signatures for any petition. (For your version to be correct, this would have to be an enticement. It’s not.)

You cannot establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast, unless you’re an election official.
I'm trying to figure out what it is that I got wrong.
Been the law in TN for decades. Suck it up buttercup.
That's what makes the "Jim Crow" argument so dishonest. When compared to other states, Georgia's law is actually pretty moderate. States like Delaware and Connecticut don't even have early voting. Let me know when the protest begins in Dover.
That's what makes the "Jim Crow" argument so dishonest. When compared to other states, Georgia's law is actually pretty moderate. States like Delaware and Connecticut don't even have early voting. Let me know when the protest begins in Dover.

It’s complete theater. If GA had just reverted to the pre-pandemic voting process it would be harder to vote than it is with the changes this law brings.
For a detailed list, ask your wife. Guarantee she knows.
I don’t know Ga’s wife.
He’s seems smart enough to analyze himself, but this group is more than willing to help him if he wants a 2nd opinion

Edit: unless your saying my wife would know what GaVol got wrong……which would be accurate. She knows what’s wrong with everyone
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I don’t know Ga’s wife.
He’s seems smart enough to analyze himself, but this group is more than willing to help him if he wants a 2nd opinion

Edit: unless your saying my wife would know what GaVol got wrong……which would be accurate. She knows what’s wrong with everyone
Red could probably spend a week just detailing what's wrong with you. And that would still be just the cliff notes.
Can anyone explain the reasoning behind passing a law that someone cannot bring food or water to someone waiting in line to vote? I mean other than knowing some will get thirsty and leave joining those who already got tired and left. The fact that black voters throughout Georgia have to wait in much longer lines than white voters is well established.
All you have to do is give it to a volunteer. No idea why this constantly gets ignored.
...Which nobody seems to want to notice.

This is simply a large state where Democrats have made gains and they want to accelerate the process.
Expanded voting on the WEEKENDS, not sure how that's racist. Saturdays required (were optional), sundays are now optional (werent allowed before)

Expanded early voting.

Vote by mail NOW officially allowed.

ALL polling locations REQUIRED to have AT LEAST one drop off box.

Anyone who argues this restricts voting is smoking crack. If people want they can say it didnt go far enough, but that's not RESTRICTING votes
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This lawsuit tells you everything you need to know about Merrick Garland and what an unethical POS he is. To think that this guy was a nominee to be a supreme court justice and pull this kind of banana republic crap is inexcusable. This maneuver is plainly political and if the independent and moderate democrats don't see what is happening and continue to vote for democrats our country is doomed.
This is not how the statute reads.

Each use of the words “nor shall” indicates a separate and distinct prohibition.

You cannot solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, (If what follows was all just about soliciting or enticing then it would be redundant because it’s already encompassed by “any means or method”)

You cannot distribute or display any campaign material.

You cannot give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector,

You cannot solicit signatures for any petition. (For your version to be correct, this would have to be an enticement. It’s not.)

You cannot establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast, unless you’re an election official.
Ok…. So you can’t try to cheaply bribe someone with food or water…. That’s not racist
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Ok…. Do you can’t try to cheaply bribe someone with food or water…. That’s not racist
It doesn’t say you can’t try to “cheaply bribe” someone with food or water. It says you can’t give an elector (voter) food or water.

I didn’t say it was racist.
It doesn’t say you can’t try to “cheaply bribe” someone with food or water. It says you can’t give an elector (voter) food or water.

I didn’t say it was racist.
Since you're an attorney maybe you can summarize for all of us luddites what legal standing is behind this lawsuit that claims it discriminates against blacks?
Since you're an attorney maybe you can summarize for all of us luddites what legal standing is behind this lawsuit that claims it discriminates against blacks?
I can, but all I’m going to do is read this Link, which was linked in the article, and then summarize it.

Have you already read it? If so, it would save time to point out which part you didn’t understand.
I can, but all I’m going to do is read this Link, which was linked in the article, and then summarize it.

Have you already read it? If so, it would save time to point out which part you didn’t understand.
I just read it and I'm still confused as to what is in the Georgia law that affects black people that doesn't affect white people. Please point that out since this will be argued in possibly up to the supreme court assuming the doj filed this in the 9th circuit?
I just read it and I'm still confused as to what is in the Georgia law that affects black people that doesn't affect white people. Please point that out since this will be argued in possibly up to the supreme court assuming the doj filed this in the 9th circuit?

There is nothing racist, illegal or discriminatory in the law but that yahoo is going to follow his party and professions line.

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