i don't think the odds are less for people without a college degree to become millionares. plenty of modern day examples around. i do think the days are gone when an uneducated guy can show up at his local factory and make enough to have the house, yard, 2 cars, etc.
I think it is easier to have the American Dream than ever. It is just to easy to bish about it and blame the reason you don't have anything on others. If you fail to make in America it is because of you, and not some one else keeping you down. Is it easy? Hell no, but it isn't suppose to be.
I hate this I'm special movement. I hate the don't take score during games, every one is a winner. Life is about working and getting knocked down and getting back on your own feet.
which is going to india.
Give it until 2030 and this will switch. The businesses are moving south due to taxes and the growth will change this ratio. The south is going forward and the north is going backwards.
Customer service for Dell, Microsoft (i.e. huge multinational companies) are in India.
There is still a huge market for localized IT support that cannot be outsourced to India. I have friends that work for a temp service that rebuilds workstations and computers and most businesses have turned to them instead of dealing with someone from India or Bangledesh. There were some attempts to export coding jobs overseas but that failed in most cases and those jobs are finding their way back to the US.
If it can't be answered by a pre-written script in broken English, it can't be answered. That isn't going to cut it for most companies that can afford to spend a little more for a local, more knowledgeable person.
i actually think call centers might be one of the things that gets switched back to this country. dell used to have by far the #1 rated customer service of any computer company, now it's very low. don't tell me it hasn't hurt sales. i know my dad stop buying them for this very reason. these days with voip and high speed internet you can have a stay at home mom from a rural city work from her home for 20 hours a week and it can be relatively cost competitive and the service is much better.
Dell is not the only large company to have the in bound call centers and tech sites abroad. It is becoming an epidemic. I can hire a full time worker in the Bacolod Philippines for 250 US dollar per month. This gets me a top of the line worker in that country for the same rate I would pay a bottom of the barrel worker to work just 25 hours here. That is a huge problem. The little extra hands on ability is not worth that kind of rate difference. That is the things most workers don't get. if you can get B- labor at 1 dollar per hour or A+ labor at 15 dollars per hour you take the B- employee and never look back.
unless it's a homegrown app much of our coding is done over there. Sorry but it just costs too damn much.