For those unsettled by this data, what do you propose?
1. Strong regulations on capital flight
2. Simple, transparent, and progressive tax code with supertax on speculation transactions
3. Destroying the Santa Clara vs Pacific Railroad Supreme Court Decision; break-up of monopoly capital
4. Strict laws on executive compensation relating it to the lowest paid employees at the company, including bonus structures
5. National Health Service, single payer system
6. Manhattan Project II decarbonizing grid, transport, and agriculture
7. Education *
There are others as well, but it may be best to end on a little lecture:
One of the few great thinkers of the 20th century, John Rawls, developed a theory of justice. In a thought experiment behind "the veil of ignorance" where no one new where they would be in life when the veil is raised (trust fund kid, black Angolan in UNITA territory, middle class Italian, Michael Jordan, etc) the system of justice people would adopt would not be utilitarianism, but rather they would tolerate inequality
so long as it worked for the least advantaged.
These are 20th century thoughts, but instead we are going 12th century - feudal. It is important to reverse the reversals of the last forty years which has seen the greatest wealth redistribution in history - from the bottom to the tip-top.