India, Pakistan, and Kashmir



God-Emperor of Politics
Jan 3, 2009
Tensions have been rising between the nuclear rivals since a car bomb attack on an Indian military convoy that killed 40 Indian soldiers. Things have been escalating including troops movements and today saying both armies have exchanged artillery fire. While its not uncommon for that to happen but what worries me is that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi & his BJP (Hindu nationalist party) are up for reelection in April may decide they have to launch a military conflict with Pakistan in order to appear "tough" on Pakistan to win. Just something to keep an eye on, it is always worrying when bitter rivals who have nuclear weapons get into conflict with one another.
Good thing Hillary is not the president. She would just give both sides some uranium in exchange for some donations to the Clinton foundation.

As long as the only reason people like Trump is that hes not someone else he will never expand his base.
As long as the only reason people like Trump is that hes not someone else he will never expand his base.
Sadly you are probably right. Lowest black unemployment of all time and you libtards will still manage to convince them that they are being screwed. More money in my pocket, but it is merely 'crumbs'.
Dude your blind. I have never seen so many people actually waking up from the way the country use to be run.

Yes. The last President was competent.

Once the market gets over the sugar high and people realize Trump has abandoned Europe, things might get dicey. That's why I'm buying silver by the kilo.
Yes. The last President was competent.

Once the market gets over the sugar high and people realize Trump has abandoned Europe, things might get dicey. That's why I'm buying silver by the kilo.
Europe was abandoned when they followed Obama’s policies with all the refugees taking over Europe.
Yes. The last President was competent.

Once the market gets over the sugar high and people realize Trump has abandoned Europe, things might get dicey. That's why I'm buying silver by the kilo.
Have you seen Europe? Total cluster and glad we're "abandoning" them as you say.

Your abandoning and what we're doing are two different things by the way.
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Very surprising that a VN discussion of an Asian dispute immediately jumped to domestic U.S. politics.

It's as if hot D vs. R takes are the only way some people know how to process anything that happens in the world.

.. as intended . Notice the big Florida lizard troll dump a bunch of gasoline on the fire with the muah TRUMP, then leave ?
Very surprising that a VN discussion of an Asian dispute immediately jumped to domestic U.S. politics.

It's as if hot D vs. R takes are the only way some people know how to process anything that happens in the world.
That is because we have been perfectly conditioned by the real enemies of humanity to fight amongst ourselves along political lines (R vs D), racial lines (black vs white vs Latino vs others), religious (Christian vs Muslim vs Satanic), gender (male vs female vs LGBTQ) and economic (rich vs poor). Until you clowns figure out that we don't need to be fighting amongst ourselves but instead should be uniting against our collective enemies, you will continue to see conversations and discussions devolve into factional fighting.

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