Indigenous Marchers, Covington Catholic HS, and Black Israelites preachers = a buffet of media mess



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
Placeholder for updated information. Original information was doctored to promote a false narrative.
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I think it’s disgusting behavior. I doubt you’ll find too many people here who would defend it.
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So I'm not allowed to speak the accepted vernacular of this forum? How should I have worded it differently? Tell me, oh wise gatekeeper of conversation.

I don’t want to speak for NorthDallas, but I imagine what he is thinking is why you bring someone else’s actions here and ask for specific groups of people to comment on it.

You’re obviously trying to create a linkage the two. ND is correct about you baiting. Don’t shy away from it now.
I don’t want to speak for NorthDallas, but I imagine what he is thinking is why you bring someone else’s actions here and ask for specific groups of people to comment on it.

You’re obviously trying to create a linkage the two. ND is correct about you baiting. Don’t shy away from it now.
Ding ding ding!
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I don’t want to speak for NorthDallas, but I imagine what he is thinking is why you bring someone else’s actions here and ask for specific groups of people to comment on it.

You’re obviously trying to create a linkage the two. ND is correct about you baiting. Don’t shy away from it now.

I'll gladly clean up the incendiary language in the first post. As someone with Native American heritage, my blood pressure is jacked pretty high right now. I sincerely, earnestly do want to know and understand where the boundaries are.
I also don't get how others score thousands of likes for displaying counterproductive, incendiary, and intentionally divisive comments and I get dogpiled for attempted to integrate into what appears to be the accepted culture. It makes no sense.
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I'll gladly clean up the incendiary language in the first post. As someone with Native American heritage, my blood pressure is jacked pretty high right now. I sincerely, earnestly do want to know and understand where the boundaries are.
If any of those little ***** were mine I’d wear their asses out. How’s that?
I also don't get how others score thousands of likes for displaying counterproductive, incendiary, and intentionally divisive comments and I get dogpiled for attempted to integrate into what appears to be the accepted culture. It makes no sense.
Dude you opened up in full blown douche mode. Normally that’s a couple of reply posts down the chain? Just my observation
I'll gladly clean up the incendiary language in the first post. As someone with Native American heritage, my blood pressure is jacked pretty high right now. I sincerely, earnestly do want to know and understand where the boundaries are.
As someone with Native American heritage, I think you're being pretty unreasonable to infer that that is representative of the groups you've associated it with. You could have just as easily posted a thread that said, "The world is full of ###holes", but then it wouldn't have really needed a thread for that.

But I'll allow myself to be baited. It's not Christian behavior. I don't think it represents all Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, or men.

Is that what you needed to get a healthy blood pressure back? If so, I'm glad to help.
Just a total disgrace.

Those kids need to be punished severely.

I don't see how this fits into any of those groups as a whole though. By including them, you're just trying to stir the pot.
The response to this is easy:
1) Expel all Covington Catholic HS students who participated in this blatant, intentional show of disrespect.
2) Terminate the employment of any faculty or staff member who participated or knowingly failed to intervene
3) Excommunicate any of the above parties who attempt to defend this blatantly unChristian behavior.

Why am I so heavy-handed in my response? Because history shows us that affluenza will be labelled as the problem, that there was a faculty member or two that were let go as sacrificial lambs to appease the public, and there will be some token awareness / togetherness event coupled with lawyer-scripted half-baked apologies that do precious little to prevent such things in the future.

There's room for grace somewhere, I'm just trying hard to find it.
I also don't get how others score thousands of likes for displaying counterproductive, incendiary, and intentionally divisive comments and I get dogpiled for attempted to integrate into what appears to be the accepted culture. It makes no sense.

Weren’t you calling someone a snowflake a few minutes ago?

I’ll go give you a like in a second so you don’t feel so bad.

Meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck finding someone who will defend this. If you think you got piled on, I pity the fool who defends this.
Ooh, a triggered little snowflake! Don't melt so quick! :cool:

You see, I'm asking sincerely. I want to know. I want someone who thinks this was appropriate behavior to explain to me how it was appropriate.

Form my own opinion? Right now, responses like yours give me the idea that you can't explain it, that the cognitive dissonance causes a primal fight-or-flight response that shuts down the communication center of your brain and results displays of the actual level of underlying intelligent and emotional acuity. If you don't want to participate in the explanation, take your high horse and go fap in a thread where critical thinking and communication skills aren't necessary.
It would only be appropriate and defended if were perpetrated by liberals. Then it would be OK.
Are you more than 1/1024th part?

According to my parents, yes. I don't have the time now to work on the documented genealogy but it is something I am going to formally explore once I'm done with grad school this summer.
Are you more than 1/1024th part?
I'll gladly clean up the incendiary language in the first post. As someone with Native American heritage, my blood pressure is jacked pretty high right now. I sincerely, earnestly do want to know and understand where the boundaries are.
Since you have Native American blood, and you feel your heritage is being threatened, you can undoubtedly understand how those of us who had ancestors fight and die feel about having Confederate statues torn down.
It would only be appropriate and defended if were perpetrated by liberals. Then it would be OK.

That's why I don't identify as either side; they're both compromised by their less-civil extremes. I'd fully expect, based on history, to see liberals acting like this at a conservative rally. I find it disgusting, contrary to the on-paper values, and with no benefit whatsoever.
Since you have Native American blood, and you feel your heritage is being threatened, you can undoubtedly understand how those of us who had ancestors fight and die feel about having Confederate statues torn down.

Absolutely. Any confederate statue erected during and shortly after the existence of the CSA should be left alone (except for proper care / restoration). Once you hit the upswing of monument construction in the 1920s as a response to growing black populations and influence, it becomes harder to really justify as they were erected to intimidate rather than memorialize.

It's why I won't allow my children to say the Pledge to the Flag of Mississippi if it passes the vote here.
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