Indigenous Marchers, Covington Catholic HS, and Black Israelites preachers = a buffet of media mess

I’ve heard of assault charges . Trust me the bail bondsman and the lawyers are the only ones that will benefit from you punching someone that hasnt put their hands on you .
The group outside i agree. A bunch of idiots just yelling stuff. But the kid that walks up to the two kids inside and says let me see your cracker azz hats with his phone 4 inches from the guys hats I would say they would be legally be able to clock him and say they felt threatened at that point.
Lol we’re clearly talking about at the monuments. Don’t deflect

You keep saying I should go another time and that if I don't like what they are saying to go somewhere else. How do they have more rights to that monument and over ride my right to enjoy my time there?
The point is, give the protesters a place to protest and Not to silence them.
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You keep saying I should go another time and that if I don't like what they are saying to go somewhere else. How do they have more rights to that monument and over ride my right to enjoy my time there?
The point is, give the protesters a place to protest and Not to silence them.
Only time anyone bothered me in DC, was a guy asked me for a smoke. Didn't really bother me actually.
The group outside i agree. A bunch of idiots just yelling stuff. But the kid that walks up to the two kids inside and says let me see your cracker azz hats with his phone 4 inches from the guys hats I would say they would be legally be able to clock him and say they felt threatened at that point.

Every play “ I’m not touching him “ with a brother or sister ? As long as that person doesn’t touch you or spit on you , you will be charged with assault if you punch them . You can always try your theory out and let us know the results if you want to then we will know for sure . 😂
Microsoft Teams with Establishment ‘NewsGuard’ to Create News Blacklist
Without consulting with its users, Microsoft has installed an establishment media browser extension, purportedly designed to rate the accuracy of news websites, as a default extension on mobile versions of its Edge browser. In practice, it creates a news blacklist by warning users away from sites including Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail.

The browser extension, called “Newsguard,” presents users with a red warning label if they navigate to a website that it judges to be unreliable. A “green” rating is given to websites that NewsGuard considers trustworthy.

A number of pro-Trump websites, including Breitbart News, are given a “red” rating by the extension.

The website of the conservative-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail, which has the third-highest circulation in the U.K., is also given a “red” rating. Newsguard says the site “fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability.”

WikiLeaks, which has never had to retract a story due to false or misleading information, is also given a “red” rating.

Among the websites given a “green” rating is BuzzFeed, which was recently humiliated for publishing alleged details about the ongoing Mueller investigation that were contradicted by the special prosecutor himself. BuzzFeed did not retract the story, and even led with it on its front page … after Mueller contradicted it.

But in Newsguard’s view, BuzzFeed “regularly corrects or clarifies errors.”

Many of the websites that recently fed the fake news feeding frenzy against students of Covington Catholic high school in Kentucky, who were falsely accused of taunting a left-wing Native American agitator, are also given a “green” rating. These include CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post.

Also “green” — Media Matters, the Clintonite Democrat website that regularly publishes hit-jobs against conservative media publications and personalities.

Rolling Stone, the magazine infamous for publishing a HOAX RAPE allegation against members of a University of Virginia fraternity in 2015 is also given a “green” rating. Newsguard says the outlet has “consistently published well-researched, factual information about contemporary American culture.”

Microsoft Teams with Establishment ‘NewsGuard’ to Create News Blacklist | Breitbart
You keep saying I should go another time and that if I don't like what they are saying to go somewhere else. How do they have more rights to that monument and over ride my right to enjoy my time there?
The point is, give the protesters a place to protest and Not to silence them.
First of all I’ve never once said go another time or to go somewhere else. I have said you can use it as a learning experience for your child. But you’re right, if others words offend you, just go to a safe space

I didn’t know it was your right to go to the monuments and not hear words you don’t like
Every play “ I’m not touching him “ with a brother or sister ? As long as that person doesn’t touch you or spit on you , you will be charged with assault if you punch them . You can always try your theory out and let us know the results if you want to then we will know for sure . 😂
Well to be fair, there is certain cases where you won’t be prosecuted

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