Infrastructure bill. Fixing roads bridges tunnels etc

Trump Calls for New $2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
So tired of driving down the road and hitting a pot hole. It feels like my engine is about to fall out.
Two trillion? It will be just fine. We spent 8 trillion in the Middle East to rebuild. Now it is time to fix and rebuild our country.
This actually way overdue, and one we get past covid would help jump start the economy and create a lot of jobs. It's probably not ambitious enough though to be honest. Our infrastructure is long overdue for an update nationwide.
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This actually way overdue, and one we get past covid would help jump start the economy and create a lot of jobs. It's probably not ambitious enough though to be honest. Our infrastructure is long overdue for an update nationwide.
i agree, and we haven’t even touched our infrastructure in ages. I can’t remember if we have in the last 50 years? I may be wrong. We have to fix it for all of us now, because we may never get that chance ever again??
China, Mexico, and else where. Trump has said that we had collected two to three trillion in the last two years, and we will get that back in no time.

You seriously believe that?

Choose your media...

Fox Business
Trump tariffs: How much is US collecting in revenue?

"According to a report from the U.S. Treasury Department released on Monday, for the fiscal year-to-date, the U.S. has collected $59 billion from tariffs – an increase of 75 percent from the same period last year."

U.S. Collected $63 Billion in Tariffs Through June

"The U.S. is on a pace to generate $72 billion in tariffs annually, and could hit the $100 billion mark President Trump has touted if new 10% tariffs on $300 billion in Chinese goods take effect on Sept. 1."

Business Insider
The US raked in a record $7.2 billion in tariffs in October, new data shows | Markets Insider

"Trump has sought to placate farmers through a more than $28 billion bailout program. The Department of Agriculture has projected that for 2019 more than a third of farm income will come from government subsidies."

If the US generated the WSJ estimate of $100B annually and paid nothing in subsidies or retaliatory tariffs, it would take 20 years to pay for this $2T bill. That also doesn't take into consideration the complexities of manufacturing shifts that would occur by the companies that actually pay the tariffs prior to passing the cost to the consumer (pro tip: neither "China, Mexico, or else where" actually pay the tariffs). Either Trump lied about how much has been collected, or you made some numbers up out of thin air. Dealer's choice.

I haven't read any top shelf fantasy stuff this good since your nonsense in the recruiting forum. How did brunch go with Hardy, Washington, and the Memphis trio?

Edit- He said billions. Not trillions.
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Trump said that? Link?

You're dealing with someone who made up an intricate fantasy about being a recruiting insider prior to being banned from the recruiting forum. He may not have TDS. He just has DS. Proceed down this rabbit hole with caution.

I’m embarrassed for my updates being wrong, and admit that they were wrong. Saddened for the RF, that I kept going, and can’t comment in there today, and they had a right to do it. I’m officially done with updates, and I will never do it again, if allowed back in the RF. I apologize to all of volnation and to all of the posters here.

I think I was giving out to much false info, that never came true much. I think I might have messed up, 😎👍

My friend that owns the radio station, that I used to work with is friends with Philip Fulmer. They talk every other day. Fulmer tells him stuff, and he told me about the text from the AD.

It looks like he's back to making stuff up again.
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You're dealing with someone who made up an intricate fantasy about being a recruiting insider prior to being banned from the recruiting forum. He may not have TDS. He just has DS. Proceed down this rabbit hole with caution.

You're dealing with someone who made up an intricate fantasy about being a recruiting insider prior to being banned from the recruiting forum. He may not have TDS. He just has DS. Proceed down this rabbit hole with caution.

It looks like he's back to making stuff up again.

It looks like he's back to making stuff up again.

Not all of them was wrong that I got though. Some was giving me false info, and I immediately cleared that up with them. I still talk to sports people though, because I’m close to the sports people. I do know people from radio sports people that I used to work for, and others. I still could give you a lot, and not false info, but you know how it is. Hard to defend yourself when blocked.👍👍👍👍Like I said, ill never do it again though, if that is what caused me to be blocked over there. I don’t know, I haven’t been told why? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤔
What happened to those shovels ready jobs?

1 of those "shovel ready jobs" federal projects is only about 200 yards from my house in Mt. Holly,NC just outside Charlotte proper.

It is a widening of NC HWY273...from 2 lanes to 4 lanes with a median. It starts at nowhere important or necessary, goes 2 or 3 miles, and ends nowhere at all because an existing bridge for an abandoned railroad track crosses it about 100 feet before the intersection with NC HWY27. It is completely unnecessary...accomplishes absolutely nothing at all on a road that never had traffic issues to begin with....ever...and didnt begin until 2 years into Trumps admin.

Several locals got really paid from it...they paid exorbitant prices for a few properties in order to widen it...and the same folks that always get the state contracts to build roads and widen interstates etc got this fed boondoggle also. Complete waste of many millions of fed dollars in an area that cannot and will not grow in population due to being an old mill town where land is already all houses from 100 years ago. Mine was built in 1916 for example.

Boondoggle in every sense of the word. Complete waste that only benefitted a gas station owner , a slumlord local, and the good ole boys that get all the state DOT contracts and are already millionaires.
Infrastructure bill expected to be introduced TODAY and could pass the Senate this week but AOC claims 'very large amount' of the 92-member Progressive Caucus is prepared to sink it over a lack of reconciliation spending

  • Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin said Sunday the bipartisan infrastructure bill's text will be ready on Sunday
Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin, both moderate senators, said Sunday that the text of the bipartisan infrastructure bill should be made public today.

Collins told CNN's State of the Union that she believes more than 10 of her Republican colleagues will support the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, also told CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday that a 'very large amount' of the Progressive Caucus, which has 92 members, are prepared to defeat the bill over a lack of reconciliation spending.

'If there is not a reconciliation bill in the House and if the Senate does not pass a reconciliation bill, we will uphold our end of the bargain and not pass the bipartisan bill until we get all of these investments in,' the progressive New York congresswoman said.

Manchin told CNN during his own interview on Sunday morning that he cannot guarantee a reconciliation bill will pass the upper chamber.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she won't hold a vote on any senate-passed infrastructure bill until the chamber also passes the $3.4 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes a bunch of social and welfare programs Republican oppose.

A sizable bipartisan majority in the closely divided Senate has backed the bill in two procedural votes, although no lawmakers have seen the final text. Senate votes so far have been on a shell bill that will incorporate the actual legislation once it is complete.

In addition to $450 billion that had previously been approved, the package is expected to include $550 billion in new spending and will dramatically ramp up the country's expenditures on roads, bridges, transit and airports. It also includes money for scrapping lead water pipes and constructing electric vehicle charging stations.

But the bill does not include funding for climate change and social initiatives, which the progressive flank of the Democratic party, including Ocasio-Cortez, has pushed for.

Democrats have included those measures in a separate $3.5 trillion package, which they will seek to pass without Republican support.

Infrastructure bill will be introduced TODAY but AOC says progressives are prepared to sink it | Daily Mail Online
Exclusive — Marsha Blackburn: Border Wall, Keystone XL Are Conditions for Infrastructure Bill

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told Breitbart News that funding the Keystone XL Pipeline and a southern border wall are conditions for some Republicans’ support of a roughly $1 trillion “infrastructure” proposal.

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak asked Blackburn if any Republicans will demand inclusion of funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall or the Keystone XL Pipeline. He documented other infrastructure projects absent from the tentative legislation of the “infrastructure deal.”

Blackburn replied, “I’m sure you’re going to see some amendments that are made to that process to that bill, because we do believe that the pipeline and the border wall are shovel-ready infrastructure project.”

Marsha Blackburn: Border Wall, Keystone XL Are Conditions for Infrastructure
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Infrastructure bill expected to be introduced TODAY and could pass the Senate this week but AOC claims 'very large amount' of the 92-member Progressive Caucus is prepared to sink it over a lack of reconciliation spending

  • Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin said Sunday the bipartisan infrastructure bill's text will be ready on Sunday
Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin, both moderate senators, said Sunday that the text of the bipartisan infrastructure bill should be made public today.

Collins told CNN's State of the Union that she believes more than 10 of her Republican colleagues will support the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, also told CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday that a 'very large amount' of the Progressive Caucus, which has 92 members, are prepared to defeat the bill over a lack of reconciliation spending.

'If there is not a reconciliation bill in the House and if the Senate does not pass a reconciliation bill, we will uphold our end of the bargain and not pass the bipartisan bill until we get all of these investments in,' the progressive New York congresswoman said.

Manchin told CNN during his own interview on Sunday morning that he cannot guarantee a reconciliation bill will pass the upper chamber.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she won't hold a vote on any senate-passed infrastructure bill until the chamber also passes the $3.4 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes a bunch of social and welfare programs Republican oppose.

A sizable bipartisan majority in the closely divided Senate has backed the bill in two procedural votes, although no lawmakers have seen the final text. Senate votes so far have been on a shell bill that will incorporate the actual legislation once it is complete.

In addition to $450 billion that had previously been approved, the package is expected to include $550 billion in new spending and will dramatically ramp up the country's expenditures on roads, bridges, transit and airports. It also includes money for scrapping lead water pipes and constructing electric vehicle charging stations.

But the bill does not include funding for climate change and social initiatives, which the progressive flank of the Democratic party, including Ocasio-Cortez, has pushed for.

Democrats have included those measures in a separate $3.5 trillion package, which they will seek to pass without Republican support.

Infrastructure bill will be introduced TODAY but AOC says progressives are prepared to sink it | Daily Mail Online
Biden to Push for Amnesty in Reconciliation Package


In a meeting at the White House with Democratic lawmakers, Joe Biden reaffirmed his support for the radical notion of including mass amnesty for illegal aliens in the proposed reconciliation bill, according to CNN.

Biden met with 11 lawmakers – five senators and six members of the House – on Thursday to discuss a possible amnesty deal following the latest blow to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA was an executive order signed by then-President Barack Obama in 2012 to provide blanket amnesty to illegal aliens who came into the country as minors.

Judge Andrew Hanen, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, ruled earlier this month that as the law had been implemented via executive order only after its legislative counterpart, the DREAM Act, failed to pass through Congress, the law was unconstitutional. The order blocks any future illegals from applying for the amnesty, but does not affect current or past applicants.

Although Biden has vowed to resist the ruling via his Department of Justice, the development has led to a revival of proposed legislative routes to pass such amnesty. Biden voiced his support for including a similar amnesty plan in the proposed $3.5 trillion budget plan, which would be passed through the process of “reconciliation,” meaning it cannot be filibustered and thus would only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass. As the Senate is currently tied 50-50, Vice President Kamala Harris would be the tie-breaking vote needed to pass such a bill.

Biden to Push for Amnesty in Reconciliation Package - Tennessee Star

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