Infrastructure bill. Fixing roads bridges tunnels etc

Infrastructure bill expected to be introduced TODAY and could pass the Senate this week but AOC claims 'very large amount' of the 92-member Progressive Caucus is prepared to sink it over a lack of reconciliation spending

  • Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin said Sunday the bipartisan infrastructure bill's text will be ready on Sunday
Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin, both moderate senators, said Sunday that the text of the bipartisan infrastructure bill should be made public today.

Collins told CNN's State of the Union that she believes more than 10 of her Republican colleagues will support the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, also told CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday that a 'very large amount' of the Progressive Caucus, which has 92 members, are prepared to defeat the bill over a lack of reconciliation spending.

'If there is not a reconciliation bill in the House and if the Senate does not pass a reconciliation bill, we will uphold our end of the bargain and not pass the bipartisan bill until we get all of these investments in,' the progressive New York congresswoman said.

Manchin told CNN during his own interview on Sunday morning that he cannot guarantee a reconciliation bill will pass the upper chamber.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she won't hold a vote on any senate-passed infrastructure bill until the chamber also passes the $3.4 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes a bunch of social and welfare programs Republican oppose.

A sizable bipartisan majority in the closely divided Senate has backed the bill in two procedural votes, although no lawmakers have seen the final text. Senate votes so far have been on a shell bill that will incorporate the actual legislation once it is complete.

In addition to $450 billion that had previously been approved, the package is expected to include $550 billion in new spending and will dramatically ramp up the country's expenditures on roads, bridges, transit and airports. It also includes money for scrapping lead water pipes and constructing electric vehicle charging stations.

But the bill does not include funding for climate change and social initiatives, which the progressive flank of the Democratic party, including Ocasio-Cortez, has pushed for.

Democrats have included those measures in a separate $3.5 trillion package, which they will seek to pass without Republican support.

Infrastructure bill will be introduced TODAY but AOC says progressives are prepared to sink it | Daily Mail Online

Since when are social and welfare programs infrastructure? Obviously we as a country are hiring a bunch of uneducated fools to "represent us". You'd think they could at least understand basic definitions.
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Biden to Push for Amnesty in Reconciliation Package


In a meeting at the White House with Democratic lawmakers, Joe Biden reaffirmed his support for the radical notion of including mass amnesty for illegal aliens in the proposed reconciliation bill, according to CNN.

Biden met with 11 lawmakers – five senators and six members of the House – on Thursday to discuss a possible amnesty deal following the latest blow to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA was an executive order signed by then-President Barack Obama in 2012 to provide blanket amnesty to illegal aliens who came into the country as minors.

Judge Andrew Hanen, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, ruled earlier this month that as the law had been implemented via executive order only after its legislative counterpart, the DREAM Act, failed to pass through Congress, the law was unconstitutional. The order blocks any future illegals from applying for the amnesty, but does not affect current or past applicants.

Although Biden has vowed to resist the ruling via his Department of Justice, the development has led to a revival of proposed legislative routes to pass such amnesty. Biden voiced his support for including a similar amnesty plan in the proposed $3.5 trillion budget plan, which would be passed through the process of “reconciliation,” meaning it cannot be filibustered and thus would only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass. As the Senate is currently tied 50-50, Vice President Kamala Harris would be the tie-breaking vote needed to pass such a bill.

Biden to Push for Amnesty in Reconciliation Package - Tennessee Star

Absolute morons.
Senate begins $1.2 trillion infrastructure debate TODAY but bipartisan package appears dead on arrival in House as progressives voice opposition to deal

The Senate will start debate on Monday on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal, with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer looking to get the massive package passed by the end of the week.

The behemoth bill, coming in at 2,702 pages when it was unveiled Sunday evening, includes funding for real infrastructure like road, bridge, public transportation and broadband access, as well as clean water initiatives and electric car charging stations.

Senate begins infrastructure debate TODAY as Schumer pushes getting $1.2T bill passed this week | Daily Mail Online
$66 Billion for Biden's beloved Amtrak, boosting women in trucking, and pollinator-friendly plants for highways ... What's in the 2,700 page Infrastructure bill that could get a vote this week

Legislative language buried inside the 2,700-page infrastructure bill contains language with far more than funds for roads and bridges – with sections meant to boost women in trucking, expunge harmful invasive species, and tweak the mission of Amtrak.

One section in the $1.2 trillion bill notes that women make up 47 per cent of the workforce, but just 6.6 per cent of truckers.


Female truck drivers are less likely to be involved in an accident, according to a provision of the infrastructure bill, which also contains provisions on invasive species and Amtrak funding

One section seeks to control invasive species which can choke out native plants or sometimes harm the environment. A provision seeks to make use of 'native plants and wildflowers, including those that are pollinator-friendly' in transportation projects that involve native plants – an apparent effort to combat a decline in bees. It is one of many portions of environmental language included in a project that Republicans demanded focus on roads and bridges.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) went after a section on 'gender identity' as being outside the bill's purpose, although it is common to include definitions in bill language. A provision bill bans people from a variety of categories from deing excluded from participating in bill programs

2,700 page Infrastructure bill has $66B for Amtrak, language to boost women in trucking | Daily Mail Online
Senate’s Infrastructure Bill Funds Welcome Centers for Migrants


The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill provides roughly $2.5 billion to help the U.S. government expand the border processing stations used by migrants from poor Central American nations and other regions around the world.

Washington elites want “to speed travel across the border rather than impede it, and they’re not too worried about whether that travel is legal or illegal,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

The 2,702-page bill, titled the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, includes $2.5 billion for facilities to accelerate the cross-border flow of goods, business travelers, and job-seeking migrants. Up to 18 GOP Senators partially back the bill.

The growing inflow of migrant workers is being cheered by U.S. employers and investors who are eager to hire cheap and compliant workers, and to sell goods, services, and housing to customers. More than 600,000 economic migrants have moved into the United States since January 2021, so damaging Americans’ opportunities, wages, rents, productivity, and political status.

The $2.5 billion in border infrastructure spending plan is in addition to the annual budget request for 2022 spending by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

It includes a new discretionary request for $345 million for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to reduce the backlog of applications and petitions, ramp up interview capacity, and meet our goal of welcoming up to 125,000 refugees per year. To ensure the safe and humane treatment of migrants at the Southwest Border, the request includes $163 million for medical needs for those in Customs and Border Protection custody.​
Senate's Infrastructure Bill Funds Welcome Centers for Migrants
Good Lord - what could go wrong

The Infrastructure Bill Requires New Cars To Come With Unproven Drunk Driving Detection Technology

The new car you buy will have to come equipped with a futuristic breathalyzer, should the bipartisan infrastructure proposal currently working its way through Congress become law.

Included in the 2,700-page bill is a provision directing the U.S. secretary of transportation to issue regulations for new motor vehicles requiring them to come equipped with "advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology."

This new prevention technology would have to "passively detect" whether a driver is impaired and "passively" measure his blood alcohol concentration to see if it's above the 0.08 percent limit set by federal regulations. If this technology does determine a driver is impaired or over the limit, it will have to be able to stop someone from driving his vehicle.
Good Lord - what could go wrong

The Infrastructure Bill Requires New Cars To Come With Unproven Drunk Driving Detection Technology

The new car you buy will have to come equipped with a futuristic breathalyzer, should the bipartisan infrastructure proposal currently working its way through Congress become law.

Included in the 2,700-page bill is a provision directing the U.S. secretary of transportation to issue regulations for new motor vehicles requiring them to come equipped with "advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology."

This new prevention technology would have to "passively detect" whether a driver is impaired and "passively" measure his blood alcohol concentration to see if it's above the 0.08 percent limit set by federal regulations. If this technology does determine a driver is impaired or over the limit, it will have to be able to stop someone from driving his vehicle.

Sounds like we'd have to leave hand sanitizer at home - the car might get a whiff and shut you down. Maybe get the CDC to tell Petey boy to settle down?
Good Lord - what could go wrong

The Infrastructure Bill Requires New Cars To Come With Unproven Drunk Driving Detection Technology

The new car you buy will have to come equipped with a futuristic breathalyzer, should the bipartisan infrastructure proposal currently working its way through Congress become law.

Included in the 2,700-page bill is a provision directing the U.S. secretary of transportation to issue regulations for new motor vehicles requiring them to come equipped with "advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology."

This new prevention technology would have to "passively detect" whether a driver is impaired and "passively" measure his blood alcohol concentration to see if it's above the 0.08 percent limit set by federal regulations. If this technology does determine a driver is impaired or over the limit, it will have to be able to stop someone from driving his vehicle.

Won't add a dime to the cost and will probably be cheap to fix.
Good Lord - what could go wrong

The Infrastructure Bill Requires New Cars To Come With Unproven Drunk Driving Detection Technology

The new car you buy will have to come equipped with a futuristic breathalyzer, should the bipartisan infrastructure proposal currently working its way through Congress become law.

Included in the 2,700-page bill is a provision directing the U.S. secretary of transportation to issue regulations for new motor vehicles requiring them to come equipped with "advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology."

This new prevention technology would have to "passively detect" whether a driver is impaired and "passively" measure his blood alcohol concentration to see if it's above the 0.08 percent limit set by federal regulations. If this technology does determine a driver is impaired or over the limit, it will have to be able to stop someone from driving his vehicle.

I guess it will be OK to drive stoned and high on drugs
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another cat lady
Good Lord - what could go wrong

The Infrastructure Bill Requires New Cars To Come With Unproven Drunk Driving Detection Technology

The new car you buy will have to come equipped with a futuristic breathalyzer, should the bipartisan infrastructure proposal currently working its way through Congress become law.

Included in the 2,700-page bill is a provision directing the U.S. secretary of transportation to issue regulations for new motor vehicles requiring them to come equipped with "advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology."

This new prevention technology would have to "passively detect" whether a driver is impaired and "passively" measure his blood alcohol concentration to see if it's above the 0.08 percent limit set by federal regulations. If this technology does determine a driver is impaired or over the limit, it will have to be able to stop someone from driving his vehicle.
another Debbie Dingell'd brained cat lady hair brained scheme
Senate Advances Biden's $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill in rare Saturday session

The procedural vote victory puts Biden's bill one step closer to final passage

The Senate on Saturday convincingly advanced the bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill in a key test vote to break the filibuster, putting the upper chamber one step closer to passing one of President Biden’s marquee spending priorities.

The vote was 67-27 during a rare weekend session when the House had already recessed until September for summer break. The legislation needed 60 votes to move forward and 18 Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., joined with Democrats to clear the bill past one more procedural hurdle.

The 18 GOP members who voted in favor of advancing the legislation Saturday along with McConnell were Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, John Cornyn of Texas, Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, John Hoeven of North Dakota, Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Jim Risch of Idaho, Mitt Romney of Utah, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Todd Young of Indiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota.

Senate advances Biden's $1T infrastructure bill in rare Saturday session
Trump says he will Refuse to Endorse Republicans who vote for 'disgraceful' $1.2 billion infrastructure bill and lashes out at 'RINO' Mitch McConnell for voting with Democrats to push it forward

Donald Trump has trashed President Biden's $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill after it passed a key procedural hurdle in the Senate with considerable support from Republican lawmakers.

On Saturday, senators voted 67-27 to advance the bill, with 18 Republicans joining the 49 Democrats in favor of moving it forward for further negotiations.

'Joe Biden's infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024. It will be very hard for me to endorse anyone foolish enough to vote in favor of this deal,' the ex-President wrote on his personal website Saturday.

He then lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, stating: 'If Mitch McConnell was smart, which we've seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package.'

Trump trashes 'disgraceful' $1.2B infrastructure bill backed by Biden as it advances in Senate | Daily Mail Online
GOP Senator Bill Hagerty Vows to Delay Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill and insists there must be 'robust' debate on the 2,700-page legislation

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has vowed to delay the passage of the $1.2trillion infrastructure bill until legislators can have a complete and 'robust' debate on the package.

Senate Democrats are pushing to fast-track the more than 2,700-page legislation, which includes federal spending on high-speed internet and new roads, bridges and highways, so lawmakers can begin their month-long recess.

In a 67-27 vote Saturday, senators agreed to limit debate on the legislation, however, Hagerty said he refuses to sign off on a deal that expedites the passage of the bill.

'I wasn't elected by the people of Tennessee to be the most popular person in the Senate. I was elected to stand up to their interests,' Hagerty told the Washington Times.

'I can't in good conscience vote to accelerate a flawed bill that puts us another quarter of a trillion-plus in debt, especially when we haven't had an opportunity to dig in and understand its substance or economic ramifications.'

GOP senator Bill Hagerty vows to delay passage of $1.2T infrastructure bill, insists on debate | Daily Mail Online
GOP Senator Bill Hagerty Vows to Delay Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill and insists there must be 'robust' debate on the 2,700-page legislation

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has vowed to delay the passage of the $1.2trillion infrastructure bill until legislators can have a complete and 'robust' debate on the package.

Senate Democrats are pushing to fast-track the more than 2,700-page legislation, which includes federal spending on high-speed internet and new roads, bridges and highways, so lawmakers can begin their month-long recess.

In a 67-27 vote Saturday, senators agreed to limit debate on the legislation, however, Hagerty said he refuses to sign off on a deal that expedites the passage of the bill.

'I wasn't elected by the people of Tennessee to be the most popular person in the Senate. I was elected to stand up to their interests,' Hagerty told the Washington Times.

'I can't in good conscience vote to accelerate a flawed bill that puts us another quarter of a trillion-plus in debt, especially when we haven't had an opportunity to dig in and understand its substance or economic ramifications.'

GOP senator Bill Hagerty vows to delay passage of $1.2T infrastructure bill, insists on debate | Daily Mail Online

Good for him; I hope it makes an impact. Too bad about the GOP traitors like Romney who would sell us out without a second thought. Maybe some other states will choose better representatives next time ... and maybe bullfrogs will get their wings.
GOP Senator Bill Hagerty Vows to Delay Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill and insists there must be 'robust' debate on the 2,700-page legislation

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has vowed to delay the passage of the $1.2trillion infrastructure bill until legislators can have a complete and 'robust' debate on the package.

Senate Democrats are pushing to fast-track the more than 2,700-page legislation, which includes federal spending on high-speed internet and new roads, bridges and highways, so lawmakers can begin their month-long recess.

In a 67-27 vote Saturday, senators agreed to limit debate on the legislation, however, Hagerty said he refuses to sign off on a deal that expedites the passage of the bill.

'I wasn't elected by the people of Tennessee to be the most popular person in the Senate. I was elected to stand up to their interests,' Hagerty told the Washington Times.

'I can't in good conscience vote to accelerate a flawed bill that puts us another quarter of a trillion-plus in debt, especially when we haven't had an opportunity to dig in and understand its substance or economic ramifications.'

GOP senator Bill Hagerty vows to delay passage of $1.2T infrastructure bill, insists on debate | Daily Mail Online

I saw his interview on Fox yesterday. Dude has a lot of good common sense to use that some don't have. Of course, the lunatic Dims don't like him for his stance on the subject.
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Remember the Muppets, Swedish Chef? Pork, pork, pork?

We must demand better from our elected officials left, right or otherwise.
GOP Senator Bill Hagerty Vows to Delay Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill and insists there must be 'robust' debate on the 2,700-page legislation

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has vowed to delay the passage of the $1.2trillion infrastructure bill until legislators can have a complete and 'robust' debate on the package.

Senate Democrats are pushing to fast-track the more than 2,700-page legislation, which includes federal spending on high-speed internet and new roads, bridges and highways, so lawmakers can begin their month-long recess.

In a 67-27 vote Saturday, senators agreed to limit debate on the legislation, however, Hagerty said he refuses to sign off on a deal that expedites the passage of the bill.

'I wasn't elected by the people of Tennessee to be the most popular person in the Senate. I was elected to stand up to their interests,' Hagerty told the Washington Times.

'I can't in good conscience vote to accelerate a flawed bill that puts us another quarter of a trillion-plus in debt, especially when we haven't had an opportunity to dig in and understand its substance or economic ramifications.'

GOP senator Bill Hagerty vows to delay passage of $1.2T infrastructure bill, insists on debate | Daily Mail Online

Hagerty has been a pleasant surprise (so far) and a stark contrast to the 18 (R) senators who foolishly voted for this boondoggle.
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How High Are Federal Interest Payments? | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (

"Even with exceptionally low interest rates, the federal government is projected to spend just over $300 billion on net interest payments in fiscal year 2021."

Biden's Plan: President to Propose $6 Trillion Budget to Boost Middle Class, Infrastructure - The New York Times (

"Even if interest rates stay low, payments on the national debt would consume an increased share of the federal budget. Net interest payments would double, as a share of the economy, from 2022 to 2031."

We all know higher interest rates will have to occur to dampen inflation. So we are easily looking at Interest being the biggest cost every year.


Infrastructure Bill Would Add $256 Billion to Deficit, Analysis Finds - The New York Times (
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How High Are Federal Interest Payments? | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (

"Even with exceptionally low interest rates, the federal government is projected to spend just over $300 billion on net interest payments in fiscal year 2021."

Biden's Plan: President to Propose $6 Trillion Budget to Boost Middle Class, Infrastructure - The New York Times (

"Even if interest rates stay low, payments on the national debt would consume an increased share of the federal budget. Net interest payments would double, as a share of the economy, from 2022 to 2031."

We all know higher interest rates will have to occur to dampen inflation. So we are easily looking at Interest being the biggest cost every year.

View attachment 385536

Infrastructure Bill Would Add $256 Billion to Deficit, Analysis Finds - The New York Times (

The 18 ignorant senators who voted for this got played once again by the Dems.
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