Intruder shot, killed after kicking in door, charging occupant with a knife

If she had a permit to carry, she could defend herself in a Kroger parking lot as well.

What if a white cop had arrived? Should he have just let him rape the woman and do who know what else to the children? That wouldn't have been a justified shooting since he was just carrying a knife and we all know knife fights happen every four seconds.
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Reactions: InVOLuntary
Like not being able to carry anthrax or grenades.

You just couldn’t go with what was right could you? Like being forced to have a mental examination before you are allowed to vote to see if you pass based on others opinions . Your vote is way more likely to get multiple people killed than my firearms are . Isn’t progress fun ?
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Like not being able to carry anthrax or grenades.

Just so we can try to keep this anywhere on the side of rationality how about we keep the discussion of carrying "arms" to those as defined by Heller since they're , you know, the only ones that have any bearing whatsoever on the topic at hand.
Just so we can try to keep this anywhere on the side of rationality how about we keep the discussion of carrying "arms" to those as defined by Heller since they're , you know, the only ones that have any bearing whatsoever on the topic at hand.
How about we don't.
Maybe it's Heller that needs some redefining.
I'll continue to show that society has the right to place rational and reasonable limits on the types of "arms" that people can openly carry or even own.
How about we don't.
Maybe it's Heller that needs some redefining.
I'll continue to show that society has the right to place rational and reasonable limits on the types of "arms" that people can openly carry or even own.

..And in strict liberal fashion move passed that even to tell us ..where , when , how , and how many while claiming “ rational and reasonable “ lol
How about we don't.
Maybe it's Heller that needs some redefining.
I'll continue to show that society has the right to place rational and reasonable limits on the types of "arms" that people can openly carry or even own.

Are you even trying at this point? Look, you want to have the the "Anybody can own/carry anything" conversation take it somewhere else, like it's own thread. THIS is a conversation pertaining (or at least trying) to carry of, as Heller describes, those weapons "in common use for lawful purpose". Anything else you submit regarding nukes, chemical, biological or area weapons is just you dropping a turd in the punch bowl of what could be a useful discussion.
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How about we don't.
Maybe it's Heller that needs some redefining.
I'll continue to show that society has the right to place rational and reasonable limits on the types of "arms" that people can openly carry or even own.
except there is no way to define any of the objects, besides a sword in personal defense. kinda defeats the purpose of defending oneself if you are getting blown up/gas/radiated too. you lump these other weapons into the defense category because you don't have a real argument and try to shift the argument away from what is actually going on to some red herring you make up.

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