Invitation to USU Fans

Love your avatar ( sort of jealous too) now, them Polys, football disallows clubbing and hacking with spiked weapons. I suspect, USU, BYU, and others who recruit Polys actually coach them to play football. I'm not sure about Hawaii. Further, wrong as I might be, I think the Mormon folks get the bulk of their Polys from a purer stock of Maori, Samoan, Niuean, Tongan, and maybe some Tahitians and Tuvaluans. Hawaiians are so diluted genetically and culturally they're mostly just tourist bait now. the real Poly still exist in other locations.

Correction and re-education from knowledgeable USU fans is welcome.

I agree with you just jerking your chain. I am familiar with the Samoans and they are some really big tough dudes.
Love your avatar ( sort of jealous too) now, them Polys, football disallows clubbing and hacking with spiked weapons. I suspect, USU, BYU, and others who recruit Polys actually coach them to play football. I'm not sure about Hawaii. Further, wrong as I might be, I think the Mormon folks get the bulk of their Polys from a purer stock of Maori, Samoan, Niuean, Tongan, and maybe some Tahitians and Tuvaluans. Hawaiians are so diluted genetically and culturally they're mostly just tourist bait now. the real Poly still exist in other locations.

Correction and re-education from knowledgeable USU fans is welcome.

Living in a school district that had a high Tongan (and other Polynesian) population, I had the privilege of playing with them throughout all of my days of little league, and high school football. I have many Tongan friends and I have gotten to know a bit about their culture and what type of people they are. I've also played football with people of other races, including: Mexican, Native American, African, African American, and Asian. All of which had some incredible players.

That being said, Tongans (or Polynesians in General for that matter) were born to play football. Not only with their warrior like culture with demands that they show zero fear or weakness, but they are also physically built for football. Especially their lineman. They are big, incredibly strong, and abnormally fast for their size. It always amazed me how some of the fastest guys on our team were the three hundred pound Tongans. It's incredible to watch sometimes.

Most of the Polynesian players from Utah, or that come to Utah to play football are now going to the University of Utah (they want to play in the PAC 12 and still be close to home). However we still have enough to manage and give us some decent size upfront.

The Majority of our Poly's play on the line, especially at nose tackle. They are great at absorbing blockers and freeing up our linebackers. We do have some who play at linebacker and at tight end as well.

Now I'm not here to compare our talent with yours. We'll let the game itself take care of that. Just answering a question, and informing all who wish to know more about our Polynesian players.

By the way, stay safe during these storms please. Know that y'all and the rest of the south will be in my prayers.

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