Iran & Saudi Arabia Moving Closer Together

Atolls and sandbars... we both know why they are doing this. It is to guard against any American threats to the shipping lanes.

Also, lets not pretend that these countries don't have border disputes in the region amongst themselves, not only with China.
Good Lord. Honk honk!
We can discuss after the original topic. Why don’t you have a problem with Irans involvement in killing Americans?
And in that same token: Chechnya had actual soldiers fighting.
My problem is our politicians and others sending American boys halfway around the globe on these nonsensical conflicts. Iran has their sphere of regional influence just like any other power. Once you bring troops into harms way, lives are put at risk.
You guys are talking about Iran and Saudi but I’m chuckling about trying to intimidate us with the naval strength of… the UAE.

You know, the country of Indian migrants with like 40 Arabs who don’t work?

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