Heard some of the local radio chatter today - funny. The same bammers that run with message board fodder about Auburn are outraged that unsubstantiated reports from Clay Travis are even being discussed. Silly Bammers
Time to cough up money for the best lawyers. I heard AU has spent over 400K on legal fees to fight the NCAA lately. I want to say they spent that money over a 1 year span but I'm not really sure.
Not that old since there are pics from January and im sure many more that are sure to be even more new. This is going to get ugly and I love it. cant wait to see what he posts tomorrow. Says he has plenty more. If this goes all the way back to Prothro and hundreds of other players then it should get good. I mean why would hundred of Alabama players over the course of many years just be going to hang out at a Suit store. Makes zero sense. A whole lot of smoke coming from this. And why are Bama fans threatening the life of Travis? Auburn people started it and the mens store owner was the one doing all this. Why not take anger out on the owner and his store? Or wait..Even hold the players who know damn well this is wrong reponsible. time for people to stop blaming media and other fan bases for stuff their school did wrong. Hold the ones responsible for doing it liable for their actions.
What it proves is your little program is not near as squeaky clean as you think as none are to be honest. Football is not like it used to be and we will be hearing more and more about this kind of things in the near future you can bank on it. Bring on football season!