to fit his system? Has anyone looked into that?
If so, I'm not too concerned about the recruiting class. Not all the best players fit your system.
Have you watched any of these guys highlight videos? Hurd is a complete beast. His speed, hands, and footwork are amazing to say the least. Not to mention the fact that he's big enough to plow through defenders. TKjr is equally amazing. This class is gonna be beast! If we can get a couple more like it we'll be well on our way. I have faith in CBJ.
I guess 4 star O-lineman across the board just don't fit his "system."
The mood of this board did a complete 180 after the Vandy game, eh.
We have a lot of good players coming in. I don't know what Butch can do in terms of developing them, but getting talent in here who stay around for 3-4 years is half the battle, and we seem to be culling a very good class together that could potentially put us in position to win.
Maybe system changes hampered them. Maybe they are overrated. Maybe, if you paid attention you would know JJames said his growth was stunted because he chose not to work out as a freshman. If Im not mistaken they have the best rushing stats of their careers. Sometimes knowledge helps with perspective.
I hate his offense ... so i'm hoping for athletes
It always made me laugh when people talked about recruiting for a scheme...
Give me the fastest and the biggest ... or at least the fastest>>> lol