I 'liked' you're post because you actually made some of the same points about Vandy's "belief" in their program and their coach that I've made in other threads. However, I can't respond to your other comments any better than others already have, as I agree with those who've stated that I'd be glad to have UA's first year record with Saban.
However, by your other comments, I can only assume that you apparently like conjecture - because you've assumed I'd be qualified to be the AD, and you've extrapolated my original comments into something I never said. In any case, I will not cover my eyes and blindly follow. Show me leadership, deliver on self-imposed goals, give me something that I haven't seen in those 5 years you spoke of above. Then, I will believe. Right now, things look good for a #2 signing class, but I'll believe it February, when the ink hits the paper - that will certainly be a welcomed first step in the right direction.
By the way, during those 5 years you mention, I have poured thousands of dollars into this program - so don't think I'm some spoiled kid sitting in my room crying because my team didn't win. So many on here get their panties in wad whenever someone questions performance. I honestly don't understand it. Maybe it's because I from an age when accountability was still taught in schools. It's an interesting thing "accountability;" I guarantee you'll run into one day.