Is Huepel bad at recruiting?

Do you guys like 7-5 and 8-4 ? That’s the type of recruiting results that these classes are gonna produce. Certainly not playoff caliber
That is ridiculous. Tennessee's player rating average is 91.65. You guys have tunnel vision when it comes to recruiting and only pay attention to team rankings .... You don't realize that there isn't much difference between Tennessee's player average and Texas at #7.

This is like trying to teach calculus to people who haven't yet mastered basic math,

.... and let's see how what the Class of 2025 looks like. It will be the first full recruiting cycle that Heupel has had, without an NCAA investigation hovering over the program.
Good grief…no he’s not bad. If you’re a had working coach (which he is) with a large team of other talented/hardworking assistants (which we have) at a place like Tennessee you will achieve success. He’s one more battles than he’s lost. Nico and Aaron Carter from last year. Come to mine. This year Matthews and Ross have been huge gets. it’s not as if some coaches are able to speak well to kids and others aren’t. It’s much more about your commitment level and the resources the school offers.

We have been getting right around that top 10 mark which is bringing in all the talent you need to succeed so long as you can get really good play out of a couple of positions… The most important of which of courses quarterback.

What heupel is not going to be able to overcome just yet is the pitch Saban and smart are able to give to recruits. Because their teams have been regularly competing for national championships they have more kids drafted than any other program.

Saban’s pitch has been regurgitated by former recruits over and over again. He essentially goes into the house and shows them a charts and stats saying strategically they have the best chance of making the NFL by coming to Alabama and putting in their time. He says if they wait their turn, they will eventually get on the field and play for a championship contending team.

Hopefully in time Heupel can make those say types of comments to recruits. If so you’ll likely see the classes jump into the top 5. But in an era of the portal and NIL I don’t think it’s as important as it once was. It’s all about your top 30 or so kids these days. We were a top 5 team last year even though we didn’t have much depth.
CJH is battling for kids that have never seen Tennessee be good or be the cool school
Winning cures all
Make the playoffs next year and that will go along way
Consistency is key
Per@blake25p he is one of the top 12-13 recruiters the past two years. Considering the dumpster fire he inherited, no. He’s actually better than most coaches at least when pitching Tennessee. If he coaches his kids up like he did at UCF, we are going to be really good.
This staff does need to pick it up a bit .... the Class of 2024 is still good, but it's not great. Some criticism is justified.
You can keep saying it but it doesn’t negate the words of the guys who stayed. They don’t believe they are Pruitts guys.
Just pick one and ask them. “All of pruitts recruits left.”

But we’ve covered this before.
That’s not what we are arguing though. The other poster is implying Heup only won with Pruitt guys and now that Pruitts guys are gone, he is gonna struggle now with his own players.

Im on the side where I believe the longer Heup is here, the better we are going to be and eventually will be consistent contenders yearly.
Until Heupel starts to pull in top 5 classes, he will not catch up with any of UT rivals.
The class rankings right now are closer than you think. Right now UT avg rating for commit is a 91.65. FSU is at #3 and there are at 91.97 avg. UGA has 28 players committed while the Vols have 19 currently. Theres only 6 teams in front of us that have a higher recruiting rating avg. they have more recruits.

Recruiting is important and ratings are important no doubt. But compare Michigan to Ohio State. UM has only out recruited Ohio state 1 time in 6 years. OSU signing top 5 classes and UM signing top 15. But with great coaching and with the right spread of talent has prevailed the last 3 years in a row over higher rated talent.
Average stars are more of a factor than overall rankings I believe. Tennessee is 3rd in average stars behind GA and Oh St. on Rivals. The only reason they aren't ranked as high as them is because they have less recruits committed thus far.

Update: Nevermind. Tennessee is 6th in average stars on Rivals now. Still not bad.
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This staff recruits well enough to win 9 games a season. With the occasional 10 win season mixed in.

But not well enough to ever become elite.

Considering where we’ve been since idk the last 20 years, we should all be good with that., I guess.
If the Vols go 9-3 or 10-2 regularly, they will be in playoffs most years....
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It’s the major knock on him that we heard when he came here from UCF, that his recruiting classes kept getting worse and he continued to look for diamonds in the rough that just weren’t there. I’m not trying to be reactionary but with the resources we have this shouldn’t be happening. Butch was able to put together better classes without NIL and much less success. What are y’all’s thoughts?
I'm kinda wondering if it's overconfidence. Could be that he's so certain of his system that he feels like he doesn't need to cater to any top prospect but especially those he doesn't see as a "culture fit"? Or maybe he stinks as a talent evaluator? One thing is certain, we're gonna find out in the next couple of years what kind of recruiter and evaluator he is....with both players and his staff.
Once the NCAA cloud was removed Heupel can now recruit without that being held over his program by other schools What he has achieved in his first 3 years is amazing, look at it for what it is, a huge success!
Recruiting will be easier as long as they keep winning 9 or 10 a year. They slipped to 8 wins this year, though team wasn't nearly as talented as last year, that we can all agree in.
Go Vols
Same chicken/egg thing we’ve talked about for nearly 20 years running. Need to win more to attract better players, need better players to win more. Butch got lucky with the legacy class. It may take something like that to get this bunch off the schneid.
Wow guy, this year's star average is elite. HE has only ***** been here 3 years after taking over the worst sh1t show in all of sports. It takes time to fix everything that was wrong with this dumpster fire
Lol. The Barn was a crapshow last year and Freeze is out recruiting us after a 6-6 first season. Always easier for the other guy though…at least according to this forum.
Lol. The Barn was a crapshow last year and Freeze is out recruiting us after a 6-6 first season. Always easier for the other guy though…at least according to this forum.
Well, the bright side is that he'll attract a certain type of kid. Makes it less likely we'll make a mistake and put them on our roster. Plus, he's a known quality coach with a history of success in this league. Not hard for him to sell that to recruits. Heupel was pie in the sky. Still not sure about his ability to put a staff together and until he has a full roster and it's all his recruits, I'm still in a bit of a wait and see mode on him as to his abilities to assemble a roster and coaching staff. This years portal will be a very telling point in his career to least in my opinion. I'm already a bit concerned that he's standing pat with his staff, but hey, it's his job on the line.
Recruiting is not going bad. Look at the per recruit averages.

1. UGA- 93.49
2. OSU- 93.06
3. UF- 92.41
4. Bama- 92.32
5. Auburn- 92.01
6. FSU- 91.97
7. TAMU- 91.78
8. TX- 91.72
9. TN- 91.65
10. Oregon- 91.64

Bingo. #9 in the country. Unfortunately, #7 in the new SEC.

Still a very good job recruiting.
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That’s not what we are arguing though. The other poster is implying Heup only won with Pruitt guys and now that Pruitts guys are gone, he is gonna struggle now with his own players.

Im on the side where I believe the longer Heup is here, the better we are going to be and eventually will be consistent contenders yearly.
Nobody with an IQ above 50 would argue that a coach could walk in to the mass exodus we had and then get that same team to the #1 ranking in year 2 and think……”it’s because of the last guys recruiting”.

That’s just a stupid Fing argument.
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