Is it time to do away with the National Anthem or at least replace it?

Here’s a few more for Nash & Huff -

Ryan: “At a baseball game everyone stopped and stood, I kept on walking to the bathroom. 🚶‍♂️

Ruby: “This feels like a horror movie.”

M: “america is so scary you would never see this in the uk”

KRL: “What in the hell is going on?”

Tessa_: “Omg thats so cultish.”

Mar: “This is so scary”

Nembetsu: “I would have genuinely be scared for my life.”

Gio: “America is so narcissistic.”

Here’s the post. I don’t have tik tok so I can’t open all the comments - All 24,100+ of them.

The crying 😭 post eclipsed the “dystopian” comment with 32k likes in the time it took me to screenshot it

View attachment 549837
To be fair these are tiktok user comments. TikTok is most popular among people under 25. Wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in comments
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To be fair these are tiktok user comments. TikTok is most popular among people under 25. Wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in comments
I would believe that. Probably pretty representative of the 2nd half millennials and Z’s.

The point was there was a lot. Not just 1 or 2.
No one is infringing upon their rights as Americans to randomly stand at attention in a restaurant either. Seems like they’re just saying it’s weird as **** which is another American right
The vast majority of the alphabet people are weird as **** too.
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Here’s a few more for Nash & Huff -

Ryan: “At a baseball game everyone stopped and stood, I kept on walking to the bathroom. 🚶‍♂️

Ruby: “This feels like a horror movie.”

M: “america is so scary you would never see this in the uk”

KRL: “What in the hell is going on?”

Tessa_: “Omg thats so cultish.”

Mar: “This is so scary”

Nembetsu: “I would have genuinely be scared for my life.”

Gio: “America is so narcissistic.”

Here’s the post. I don’t have tik tok so I can’t open all the comments - All 24,100+ of them.

The crying 😭 post eclipsed the “dystopian” comment with 32k likes in the time it took me to screenshot it

View attachment 549837

You say “more than 1 or 2” but 90% of these are absolutely nothing. And as K-town said, if we’re getting spooked to the point of writing articles about TikTok comments it’s already time to reevaluate
You say “more than 1 or 2” but 90% of these are absolutely nothing. And as K-town said, if we’re getting spooked to the point of writing articles about TikTok comments it’s already time to reevaluate
I’m not spooked. I realize what time in the game does for young people.

The kids of today are no different than those from the 60’s, or the 70’s, or the 80’s… Every state would be deep Blue by now if they all held onto their views. Some do, some don’t. Just the way it is.

But let’s not pretend the 15-29 year old tik toker generation isn’t held up by many on this board, and many in this country, as evidence of a “changing America”.

They are in the vanguard of the Progressive Left. Always have been.
I’m not spooked. I realize what time in the game does for young people.

The kids of today are no different than those from the 60’s, or the 70’s, or the 80’s… Every state would be deep Blue by now if they all held onto their views. Some do, some don’t. Just the way it is.

But let’s not pretend the 15-29 year old tik toker generation isn’t held up by many on this board, and many in this country, as evidence of a “changing America”.

They are in the vanguard of the Progressive Left. Always have been.
My recent high school graduate offspring just filed his first federal income tax return. The education of reality comes quickly 😂
I wouldn't say forced but I'd say if I was in a restaurant and everyone stood up for the anthem and I didn't it might be a little uncomfortable.
Interesting. I think that might mean you actually do have a bit of patriotism lurking in your bones somewhere, but maybe are too (shy? for lack of a better word) to actually show it.
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Just replace it with Van Halen's Panama.
Imagine thinking standing for the national anthem is somehow weird or strange. Progressivism is a cancer.

Exactly - it corrupts the normal function of the cells it takes over to become nothing but factories to spew out more cancer cells. Meanwhile, it takes in more energy than actual productive cells while hiding its true nature behind a wall of disguise. The cancer's ideal state, like that of any other virus, is to be spending all the body's resources to replicate its own self at the cost of the host. Such is the true nature of progressives.
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