on double secret probation
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I think there is still s possibility you are right here but it gets less and less likely by the day. Biden has been every bit as disastrous for this country as Trump was. But here we areNot true. I would never vote for him in the dem primary and would gladly vote for a non-Trumpian repub over him in the general, or a third party. But there is not a chance in hell Biden will run in '24.
Green Party Platform
The Green Platform presents an eco-social analysis and vision for our country. In contrast to the major political parties that create their platforms through back-room deals by insiders and power brokers, we have created a grassroots process that invites submissions from every local Green
diversity, elimination of carbon fuels, reparations for climate and slavery, UBI, etc
green sure is progressive.
Why not every other political party is twisted, self-serving, filled with cognitive incompetents, might as well have another join the herd.The most radical of the quasi national parties.
So you don’t like it when American’s say America first? Sounds like you belong in a different country like Cuba, Venezuela, China, or North Korea. It’s patriotic to take care of your own country and it’s citizens first. You must support Ilhan Omar and others of the Hamas Squad.Gerald Ford wasn't. Then again, I don't know if he marched.
The moniker "America First"--regardless of party--is poorly chosen. Period.
@Vol Main needs to move to California where he belongs. He doesn’t belong here in the south.I am superior to you and Biden intellectually. If that hurts your feelings, I am sorry and I promise to stop hurting your feelings if you promise to stop voting