Is Neal as fast as Todd Gurley

I posted their times recorded by NFL scouts and you still have doubts.. Can we say morons! I'm starting to believe we have the dumbest fan base on the planet. Can you people not read?
Didn't know we were not supposed to stop talking after your post. 'Scuse us for having a discussion on a message board
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Neal does not have break away speed, that I have seen. He runs very stiff and has an incredibly short stride. Not a natural runner by any means.
Same BS was said about Arian Foster, while he was here. Lots of hating coming from fans like you. Doesn't have blazing speed....neither did Eddie George. Shows what your opinion is worth.
I'm pretty sure that it was Gurley that was a big time sprinter in track in HS. Dude is pretty fast.

well even 4.5 is still pretty damn fast. If a guy with the size and power of Gurley is running under 4.4, he's nearing the top of greatest athletes of our generation.

If he really is under 4.4 (I need to see the hundredths digit posted by Brick by Brick, cuz no way it rounds down to a 4.30), he sure doesn't look like it on tape. He looks pretty quick and decently fast on tape, but under 4.4 is lightning. Neal is lightning. Just not half the RB that Gurley is.

Then again I'm not looking up numbers and everything here, just going off what I see.
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well even 4.5 is still pretty damn fast. If a guy with the size and power of Gurley is running under 4.4, he's nearing the top of greatest athletes of our generation.

If he really is under 4.4 (I need to see the hundredths digit posted by Brick by Brick, cuz no way it rounds down to a 4.30), he sure doesn't look like it on tape. He looks pretty quick and decently fast on tape, but under 4.4 is lightning. Neal is lightning. Just not half the RB that Gurley is.

Then again I'm not looking up numbers and everything here, just going off what I see.

Not sure what he would officially run the 40 in bc 40 times can vary so much. But here are some of his high school track times:

Todd Gurley Bio - Georgia Official Athletic Site
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Neal probably beats him in a foot race from point A to point B, but because Gurley hits the holes alot faster, has better vision and is more elusive he probably looks and is faster on the field. Definitely would rather have a RB like Gurley.
Neal might be faster on the track, but on the football field, no. He runs fastest when he's running out of bounds. I like Neal. He's hung in, and I hope he goes over 1000 yds and gets drafted. He's looking better this year, but he's not up there with Gurley and Marshall. Or Chuck Webb. Not many are.
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I timed 30 yard segments between both, both ran about 3.3 seconds at top speed for 30 yards, almost exactly the same time.
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It appears (I'm not a expert) that Gurley runs with a attitude or mindset that it's going to take more then just one or two guys to get me down. It seems like Neal gets tripped up a lot. Not bashing Neal, but I do think Gurley is better back.
Don't know and don't care..
F... gurley F... GA
Neal is better. why???
Cause he wears orange.

Cool. Way to stay objective. Worley is also better than Murray, McCarron, and Manziel combined, right? Don't get me wrong I'm as big of a Vols fan as they come and a realistic homer (if there is such a thing) as well. But I do have the capacity to discuss how good another teams players are objectively as well.
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