Is Pollack serious??

Is this Georgia team comparable to UT last year? Not saying their D will be as bad but I think in some ways they are similar.

The D will be better just from switching back to a 4-3. The 3-4 with our personnel last year was stupid. A lot of the perceived lack of team speed was due to confusion and reacting to a play as opposed to attacking it. Running a 4-3 and controlling the edge will make our defense appear leaps and bounds better than it did last year. Everyone forgets Wilcox had the 27th ranked defense in college football with practically the same players. I think our front 7 along with a rising star in LaDarrell McNeil will be a very pleasant surprise this year.
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4 guys sitting at the table, 3 of them saying there's no reason UT can't get back to greatness in the coming years, Pollack saying they won't because "recruiting for UT isn't what it used to be"...............

Pollack is an idiot.

Pollack is a dawg, what would you expect a idiot and dawg and idiot to say.:banghead2:
Pollock has an IQ of an flea

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The D will be better just from switching back to a 4-3. The 3-4 with our personnel last year was stupid. A lot of the perceived lack of team speed was due to confusion and reacting to a play as opposed to attacking it. Running a 4-3 and controlling the edge will make our defense appear leaps and bounds better than it did last year. Everyone forgets Wilcox had the 27th ranked defense in college football with practically the same players. I think our front 7 along with a rising star in LaDarrell McNeil will be a very pleasant surprise this year.

Well it obviously cant get much worse. It should be fun to watch and get excited about playing D this year.
Pollack is a dawg, what would you expect a idiot and dawg and idiot to say.:banghead2:

Nothing, hes probably to busy playing Murrays flute. On breaks hes flapping his gums about how this is Georgias year and they will win the NC. Kinda like ole Lou does but not as bad..
What's your definition of "tank big time"?

Personally I don't see any way this team wins more than 5 or MAYBE 6 games this year. In your opinion are both of those results good enough to keep the class largely intact?

I can't tell if you are serious or not. First of all these players know what our record was last year and that we lost all of our playmakers coming into this year. So why would they expect our record to be much better this season? They like what we have to offer in the way of facilities, tradition, and the enthusiasm of the new coaching staff. You don't want to believe that CBJ and co. can get the job done for some reason. We may lose a player or two but that is normal anyway.
I can't tell if you are serious or not. First of all these players know what our record was last year and that we lost all of our playmakers coming into this year. So why would they expect our record to be much better this season? They like what we have to offer in the way of facilities, tradition, and the enthusiasm of the new coaching staff. You don't want to believe that CBJ and co. can get the job done for some reason. We may lose a player or two but that is normal anyway.

I was dead serious. When you've got people posting on here seriously saying they think we have a shot at winning 9 games, then there's a pretty wide spectrum of people might consider tanking. I think anyone who really cares to understand the situation we're in knows that we're likely in for a .500ish season this year. I would imagine the recruiting class has been made fully aware (if they weren't already) of what is coming this fall.
Well it obviously cant get much worse. It should be fun to watch and get excited about playing D this year.

True. But moving Couch and McCullers inside and giving them edge rushers is huge. I expect Maggitt and AJ to step up. And like I said McNeil got a lot of playing time last year, and I expect him to be an impact player this year.

We need improvement by our edge rushers and CB play. To me those positions are the difference in having a good defense and a great defense. I will be interested in seeing Corey Vereen after what I have seen and heard about how fast he is coming along.
4 guys sitting at the table, 3 of them saying there's no reason UT can't get back to greatness in the coming years, Pollack saying they won't because "recruiting for UT isn't what it used to be"...............

Pollack is an idiot.

He just mad that all of the Hot chicks date Jesse Palmer
Soon as he said that I told my wife there will be a thread about it.
Pollack hates UT
True. Recruiting rankings in July are many times nothing more than fool's gold. Hopefully the class can stay together once the losing starts during the season, but for people to just count what Jones has done so far this year as if he's actually got those guys on campus would be shortsighted IMO. The first week of February is a LONG way off right now.

High Debbie, how are ya?
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What's your definition of "tank big time"?

Personally I don't see any way this team wins more than 5 or MAYBE 6 games this year. In your opinion are both of those results good enough to keep the class largely intact?

See fools when he was coaching against Kentucky, miss state and really vs Missouri. Add handy. That is tanking bad.
My stomach literally gets queasy any time he's about to speak. I was really a Pollock fan when he was playing at Ga. ( as much as I can be a fan of any non-Vol ). But the first time ( and every time since) that I saw him talking, its been Rolaids time. I seriously get this expression on my face like there's a bad smell in the room.
He was cocky loudmouth at GA & learned zip in his coffee break in the NFL. A mere aside imo.
Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.

It has been the last 3-5 years because of the Dooley effect. He was still taking a shot at us and its simply not true. Fulmer recruited fine here until the end of his career, which happens with everybody. Kiffin did just fine and would have continued to but left early. The only person who didn't do well was Dooley and he still had top 12-15 classes. So just imagine what a competent coach can do, or imagine we made a good hire before Dooley. To say its not what it used to be like its something that can't be fixed with the right staff is crazy. There is no reason UT can't continue to recruit at the top every year. Just need the right man in charge and it looks like we have it, he just can't bring himself to say it.

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