Is something bad about to hit the U.S.? Like in Israel?

I’ve been thinking about the college football games this weekend.
My husband and I have been thinking about the Powerball and crazy scenarios (you win the Powerball, but…) TBH 😂 oh, and the game too ... Go Vols! PS don’t you love my triple post? Thanks Xfiniti
How did the 911 people all get here? Didn’t they all just sally on over? At least a few were living here.. IDK, but I tell you what, I wouldn’t be living in Chicago or Michigan right now even if it made me the Powerball winner.. bump that
It's easier now, no work or school visa required. Just make it across the border and disappear.

Male Israeli student, 24, is Beaten With a STICK By Female Student, 19, outside Columbia University library - after she ripped down posters of Jewish hostages taken by Hamas​

A Brooklyn teenager has been arrested after she allegedly struck an Israeli Columbia University student with a stick on Wednesday night, police have confirmed.

Maxwell Friedman, 19, was charged with one count of assault following an altercation with a 24-year-old School of General Studies student in front of Butler Library.

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Male Israeli student, 24, is Beaten With a STICK By Female Student, 19, outside Columbia University library - after she ripped down posters of Jewish hostages taken by Hamas​

A Brooklyn teenager has been arrested after she allegedly struck an Israeli Columbia University student with a stick on Wednesday night, police have confirmed.

Maxwell Friedman, 19, was charged with one count of assault following an altercation with a 24-year-old School of General Studies student in front of Butler Library.

A stick you say? Stop the presses.

UC-Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' offers 'unwavering support' for Hamas Terrorist who Slaughtered 1,200 Israelis - as student group plans a vigil for 'MARTYRS' on notoriously left California campus​

The University of California at Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' group expressed their support for Hamas' actions and 'denounced the framing of Israel as a victim' hours after the terrorist organization's attack left more than 1,000 dead, including 25 Americans.

Now, the group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP) calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks.

The group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted SJP's calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks

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UC-Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' offers 'unwavering support' for Hamas Terrorist who Slaughtered 1,200 Israelis - as student group plans a vigil for 'MARTYRS' on notoriously left California campus​

The University of California at Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' group expressed their support for Hamas' actions and 'denounced the framing of Israel as a victim' hours after the terrorist organization's attack left more than 1,000 dead, including 25 Americans.

Now, the group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP) calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks.

View attachment 586562
The group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted SJP's calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks

Scum of the earth. Same people living amongst the trees and sh***ing on the sidewalks. Twilight zone stuff.

UC-Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' offers 'unwavering support' for Hamas Terrorist who Slaughtered 1,200 Israelis - as student group plans a vigil for 'MARTYRS' on notoriously left California campus​

The University of California at Berkeley's 'Bears for Palestine' group expressed their support for Hamas' actions and 'denounced the framing of Israel as a victim' hours after the terrorist organization's attack left more than 1,000 dead, including 25 Americans.

Now, the group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP) calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks.

View attachment 586562
The group will host a vigil for 'martyrs in Palestine' on Friday, and have promoted SJP's calls for a 'Day of Resistance' on Thursday across college campuses in support of the Hamas attacks

Part 2 of "how I'll never have a career once I've been doxed" followed by "my degree is now worthless".

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