Is something bad about to hit the U.S.? Like in Israel?

Maga doing their funny paranoia thing.
I get it, much of it is over the top. But as they say better to have it and never need it than need it and not have it.

There are a lot of dead Jews who otherwise might have been able to defend themselves had this been prevailing thought...... Just saying.
Let's recall that George Bush and his flunkies stoked this kind of paranoia to help him get reelected following 9/11. Recall that his administration
instituted a silly public terrorist alert system, with color codes designating the threat level. And then in the months before the election, the administration several times announced that potential threats had been discovered--a yellow alert or somesuch--which had little old ladies in Iowa and Kentucky diving under their beds--"Are the Ar-rabs outside, Earl?"---and nothing ever game of any of them. There were no arrests, no hard info, no nothing. They all just disappeared, and I'm quite sure most, if not all, were completely trumped up, as keeping the terrorism dynamic going clearly benefited the incumbent. I was working in NYC at the time, and if any city other than Washington was most vulnerable to an attack, it would have been New York. But everybody rode subways and commuter trains as usual, and everybody in New York understood that Bush was just trying to frighten the heartland into reelecting him. Which they did, unfortunately. And then soon after the Bushies used 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The Bushies made up all sorts of bull$hit to justify the invasion --including the howler that Saddam was involved in 9/11 (no). Saddam was a bad guy, but you don't lie to the American people to start a war--and that is /precisely/ what happened. And Israel and pro-Israel hawks inside the Bush administration played a big role in the decision to invade Iraq.
Let's recall that George Bush and his flunkies stoked this kind of paranoia to help him get reelected following 9/11. Recall that his administration
instituted a silly public terrorist alert system, with color codes designating the threat level. And then in the months before the election, the administration several times announced that potential threats had been discovered--a yellow alert or somesuch--which had little old ladies in Iowa and Kentucky diving under their beds--"Are the Ar-rabs outside, Earl?"---and nothing ever game of any of them. There were no arrests, no hard info, no nothing. They all just disappeared, and I'm quite sure most, if not all, were completely trumped up, as keeping the terrorism dynamic going clearly benefited the incumbent. I was working in NYC at the time, and if any city other than Washington was most vulnerable to an attack, it would have been New York. But everybody rode subways and commuter trains as usual, and everybody in New York understood that Bush was just trying to frighten the heartland into reelecting him. Which they did, unfortunately. And then soon after the Bushies used 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The Bushies made up all sorts of bull$hit to justify the invasion --including the howler that Saddam was involved in 9/11 (no). Saddam was a bad guy, but you don't lie to the American people to start a war--and that is /precisely/ what happened. And Israel and pro-Israel hawks inside the Bush administration played a big role in the decision to invade Iraq.
Like The Clinton's and numerous other Democrats?

Are you and Ras the same person with schizophrenic multiple personality disorder?
Sorry, Earl: I suppose I'll have to go check, but I'm quite sure your numbers are bull$hit. Your wife's comment is silly.

The migration issue is a problem for us and Europe, it's gotten out of control, and efforts are being made to deal with it. We have always let in immigrants legally, and always will, plus legitimate asylum seekers. The migrants who've been showing up in cities around the country are legal, not illegal--we've let them in while their cases are being decided. Do we need to revisit this idea of letting people in while their cases are decided, because they can disappear and never be found? Yea, maybe. But conservatives are always throwing out bogus numbers because they generally hate immigrants.

As for terrorism, yes, of course it could happen again. All the more reason to push for a settlement of the Palestinian issue. The lack of a settlement, along with our support for Israel, is what casts us as a villain in the eyes of Muslim radicals. We should continue to support Israel--AND we should push for a settlement. Republicans won't do it--because they're stupid and gutless; it will have to be a Democrat. We've been quite vigilant and will continue to be, I'm sure. You realize that every week in America that somebody with an assault rifle walks into a crowded building and starts shooting people? But that doesn't concern you? Mass shootings are acts of terrorism. But the prospect of an Arab doing that does make you paranoid? Hmmm.

There's nothing weak about Biden. That's the usual MAGA bias and usual MAGA idiocy and nonsense. He's been very strong on Ukraine, strengthened NATO, strengthened our relationship with our major allies. That's strength, Earl. Give Ukraine to a war criminal? That's your weakness, Earl. Learn the difference. Rubes have apparently learned nothing in years about Private Bone Spurs. The Israel--Palestinian conflict has been going on for 70 years.
Look. He is using the word rube again.
You ask everyone you encounter daily if they are vaxxed? If so I'm willing to bet they are lying to you because you're the "crazy anti-vax guy."
True and also applies if you are the crazy ‘you better get a vax’ guy.. nobody is telling you anything lol.. they still require vaccination at my job (Yankee owners).. I just bring my card with the one vax and documentation that I’ve had Wu Flu about five times now… my husband and I both got ‘breakthrough Covid’ after vaxxed and he had clotting and strokes.. so I am like no ma’am
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You know a lot about our intelligence agencies and what they're doing? Has the CIA/NSA been monitoring school board
meetings in Podunk, America? Really? I pretty sure you're talking out of your rear end.

I hear 51 CIA suits are working on a letter saying that is in fact the Russians who are behind the attack on Israel.
Sorry, Earl: I suppose I'll have to go check, but I'm quite sure your numbers are bull$hit. Your wife's comment is silly.

The migration issue is a problem for us and Europe, it's gotten out of control, and efforts are being made to deal with it. We have always let in immigrants legally, and always will, plus legitimate asylum seekers. The migrants who've been showing up in cities around the country are legal, not illegal--we've let them in while their cases are being decided. Do we need to revisit this idea of letting people in while their cases are decided, because they can disappear and never be found? Yea, maybe. But conservatives are always throwing out bogus numbers because they generally hate immigrants.

As for terrorism, yes, of course it could happen again. All the more reason to push for a settlement of the Palestinian issue. The lack of a settlement, along with our support for Israel, is what casts us as a villain in the eyes of Muslim radicals. We should continue to support Israel--AND we should push for a settlement. Republicans won't do it--because they're stupid and gutless; it will have to be a Democrat. We've been quite vigilant and will continue to be, I'm sure. You realize that every week in America that somebody with an assault rifle walks into a crowded building and starts shooting people? But that doesn't concern you? Mass shootings are acts of terrorism. But the prospect of an Arab doing that does make you paranoid? Hmmm.

There's nothing weak about Biden. That's the usual MAGA bias and usual MAGA idiocy and nonsense. He's been very strong on Ukraine, strengthened NATO, strengthened our relationship with our major allies. That's strength, Earl. Give Ukraine to a war criminal? That's your weakness, Earl. Learn the difference. Rubes have apparently learned nothing in years about Private Bone Spurs. The Israel--Palestinian conflict has been going on for 70 years.
LOL, They probably done made their way north by now.
How did the 911 people all get here? Didn’t they all just sally on over? At least a few were living here.. IDK, but I tell you what, I wouldn’t be living in Chicago or Michigan right now even if it made me the Powerball winner.. bump that
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How did the 911 people all get here? Didn’t they all just sally on over? At least a few were living here.. IDK, but I tell you what, I wouldn’t be living in Chicago or Michigan right now even if it made me the Powerball winner.. bump that
I’ve been thinking about the college football games this weekend.
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