Is something bad about to hit the U.S.? Like in Israel?

As many people as we’ve allowed in with no idea of who they are or where they’re from, it would be foolish to not anticipate that an attack or series of attacks are coming down the pike. Disciples of those who hate us walk among us. They’re just waiting on their orders.

Maga doing their funny paranoia thing.
You ask everyone you encounter daily if they are vaxxed? If so I'm willing to bet they are lying to you because you're the "crazy anti-vax guy."
If you keep a job for longer than 6 weeks, there’s a possibility that you may actually have the same coworkers through the pandemic and have had conversations during that time period.

This guy definitely has the connections still and has probably heard stuff that he can’t comment on.

Not sure about his insider info, but it doesn't take a tremendous amount of discernment to look at what's happening in this country and others to think that several "somethings" are going to be happening outside of the gaza/israel sphere of conflict. I remember seeing a video of an Imam talking when he though he was off camera discussing how they knew they didn't have the ability, tech or numbers to take the US by force so they'd planned to infiltrate and take us down from within. He mentioned our schools, universities and local/federal politics. Doesn't take keen observation to think that it was a legit plan and that it's been incredibly successful. Throw in our own personal biases and conflicts and it's been quite easy for them to take as much ground as they want/need without a lot of concern among the american population because we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves. Stupid americans....stupid.
Sorry... not necessarily directed at you. I'm just making a general statement.

Even if there was a legit attack on our soil, these clowns would love nothing more than to surrender whatever freedoms we do have and send a few missiles over to Middle East Country X and kill a few ragheads.
I can agree somewhat. We can never full trust what the government is telling us. Never.
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If you keep a job for longer than 6 weeks, there’s a possibility that you may actually have the same coworkers through the pandemic and have had conversations during that time period.
Ah, so it's not "people you encounter" it's coworkers.

And BTW some coworkers I have worked beside for nearly 10 years and I have no clue of their COVID vax status, nor do I care. I guess that's why it's never came up.
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Ah, so it's not "people you encounter" it's coworkers.

And BTW some coworkers I have worked beside for nearly 10 years and I have no clue of their COVID vax status, nor do I care. I guess that's why it's never came up.
Coworkers, clients, and randoms. I have to have conversations with the people I work alongside. It has been a topic that came up frequently in the past.
Let's see if this counts for Maga paranoia from every ignorant individual that voted for Joe Biden-
6 million people have crossed our border illegally under his watch.
2 million (at least, probably more) are unaccounted for.
First time ever my wife has looked at me and said, I don't feel safe anymore.
What say you would the possibility be that some of these illegals are jihadist?, terrorist's?
If you are ignorant enough to believe that we won't have another terrorist
catastrophe here in the US? You are probably stupid. It took what 8 terrorist
to kill over 2,000 people on 9/11? 90% of Everything that happened in the Gaza
strip is a direct result of WEAK leadership at the top here in America.
Did not have these issues under Trump-
I like Dan but I think his true "insider" days are past. Odds are something will happen in the near future. Dan's just playing the odds.
I don’t know. With him having a national media presence, I’m sure people still pass along tidbits. But, you and Hogg may be correct as well.
Let's see if this counts for Maga paranoia from every ignorant individual that voted for Joe Biden-
6 million people have crossed our border illegally under his watch.
2 million (at least, probably more) are unaccounted for.
First time ever my wife has looked at me and said, I don't feel safe anymore.
What say you would the possibility be that some of these illegals are jihadist?, terrorist's?
If you are ignorant enough to believe that we won't have another terrorist
catastrophe here in the US? You are probably stupid. It took what 8 terrorist
to kill over 2,000 people on 9/11? 90% of Everything that happened in the Gaza
strip is a direct result of WEAK leadership at the top here in America.
Did not have these issues under Trump-

Weak leadership would imply that the administration should do something but can't. I disagree with that notion - I would assert that the administration can do something but won't.

Biden hasn't been a weak leader when it comes to illegal immigration, his administration been completely ineffectual. It's absolutely inexcusable that our government has turned a blind eye to this crisis.
SIAP but they're calling for a day of global jihad on Friday 13th. Ordinarily, I'd snicker at such a threat, but with our govt and the open border, I won't be the least bit surprised. Actually posted that I expect an attack on our soil in the next 6-8 Mo's if not earlier/more.

Where did you see this?
Let's see if this counts for Maga paranoia from every ignorant individual that voted for Joe Biden-
6 million people have crossed our border illegally under his watch.
2 million (at least, probably more) are unaccounted for.
First time ever my wife has looked at me and said, I don't feel safe anymore.
What say you would the possibility be that some of these illegals are jihadist?, terrorist's?
If you are ignorant enough to believe that we won't have another terrorist
catastrophe here in the US? You are probably stupid. It took what 8 terrorist
to kill over 2,000 people on 9/11? 90% of Everything that happened in the Gaza
strip is a direct result of WEAK leadership at the top here in America.
Did not have these issues under Trump-

Sorry, Earl: I suppose I'll have to go check, but I'm quite sure your numbers are bull$hit. Your wife's comment is silly.

The migration issue is a problem for us and Europe, it's gotten out of control, and efforts are being made to deal with it. We have always let in immigrants legally, and always will, plus legitimate asylum seekers. The migrants who've been showing up in cities around the country are legal, not illegal--we've let them in while their cases are being decided. Do we need to revisit this idea of letting people in while their cases are decided, because they can disappear and never be found? Yea, maybe. But conservatives are always throwing out bogus numbers because they generally hate immigrants.

As for terrorism, yes, of course it could happen again. All the more reason to push for a settlement of the Palestinian issue. The lack of a settlement, along with our support for Israel, is what casts us as a villain in the eyes of Muslim radicals. We should continue to support Israel--AND we should push for a settlement. Republicans won't do it--because they're stupid and gutless; it will have to be a Democrat. We've been quite vigilant and will continue to be, I'm sure. You realize that every week in America that somebody with an assault rifle walks into a crowded building and starts shooting people? But that doesn't concern you? Mass shootings are acts of terrorism. But the prospect of an Arab doing that does make you paranoid? Hmmm.

There's nothing weak about Biden. That's the usual MAGA bias and usual MAGA idiocy and nonsense. He's been very strong on Ukraine, strengthened NATO, strengthened our relationship with our major allies. That's strength, Earl. Give Ukraine to a war criminal? That's your weakness, Earl. Learn the difference. Rubes have apparently learned nothing in years about Private Bone Spurs. The Israel--Palestinian conflict has been going on for 70 years.
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