Is The 1/6 Commission Coming?

Does "communist" mean anything more to her than "I don't like you"? I'm not sure she has the faintest idea what the word really means.

Does "communist" mean anything more to her than "I don't like you"? I'm not sure she has the faintest idea what the word really means.

MTG is dumber than a box of rocks. The world is a better place with Tarrio in the cooler for 22 years.
I’m wondering if Enrique, One Eyed Sam, Peter and the rest of the Apple Dumpling Gang have finally figured out that maybe they shouldn’t have fallen for Rump’s line of 💩. Seems to be a lot of folks going to jail because of the Grifter In Chief and more to come. Absolutely amazing that people fell for his fake BS and would do hard time for that POS.

Wasn’t it PT Barnum that said there is a sucker born every minute? We are sho nuff seeing that playing out in real time. 10 to 20 years of REAL TIME. Enjoy the prison yard fellas. You chose poorly.
Looks like an insurrection!🤔

I expect these people will immediately be arrested & thrown into solitary confinement with no trial date.

It's totally within the law & acceptable when lunatic democrats stage an insurrection.
They have DA's & the courts on their side to look the other way to not bring charges.
It's totally within the law & acceptable when lunatic democrats stage an insurrection.
They have DA's & the courts on their side to look the other way to not bring charges.
Face it both party's been pulling this kind of crap for years. Too long. It all boils down to the Party in Power getting away with this crap. Been going on since 2001 with the exception of the first term of the Bush Administration because of 9/11 in a few cases.

MTG nailed it: Majority call ‘harsh’ Jan. 6 sentences a Biden Warning to Foes​

They have been met with cheers from the media and White House allies, but the long prison sentences given to many of the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters are viewed as “too harsh” by large groups of voters.

And despite the Washington-based news coverage portraying the 2021 protest of President Joe Biden’s election as an insurrection, more of America’s voters than not believe it was a “mostly peaceful protest that got out of control.”

In fact, the treatment of the hundreds rounded up by the FBI in its Jan. 6 dragnet is viewed by a majority as an effort by Biden and his political “thugs” to warn critics that they will be treated harshly if they oppose his liberal agenda.

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Enrique Tarrio: Feds Tried to ‘Coerce Me’ into Implicating Donald Trump​

Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio claimed federal prosecutors tried to “coerce” him into implicating former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“I don’t know what instructions I would give somebody at that point … I’m not speaking. I have no function. So there was no communication,” Tarrio said in a phone interview with the Washington Post.

Tarrio revealed that federal prosecutors tried to “coerce” him into implicating Trump during a phone interview from the D.C. jail.

“I was looking and seeking what the plea offer would look like, right?” Tarrio told the Washington Post. “They didn’t want to give me a number. I need a number. To me, the most important thing is when I get home to my family.”

“They weren’t trying to get the truth,” Tarrio continued. “They were trying to coerce me into signing something that’s not true.”
Tarrio said, “there was never an open-ended question after” federal prosecutors tried to implicate Trump.


Enrique Tarrio: Feds Tried to ‘Coerce Me’ into Implicating Donald Trump​

Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio claimed federal prosecutors tried to “coerce” him into implicating former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“I don’t know what instructions I would give somebody at that point … I’m not speaking. I have no function. So there was no communication,” Tarrio said in a phone interview with the Washington Post.

Tarrio revealed that federal prosecutors tried to “coerce” him into implicating Trump during a phone interview from the D.C. jail.

“I was looking and seeking what the plea offer would look like, right?” Tarrio told the Washington Post. “They didn’t want to give me a number. I need a number. To me, the most important thing is when I get home to my family.”

“They weren’t trying to get the truth,” Tarrio continued. “They were trying to coerce me into signing something that’s not true.”
Tarrio said, “there was never an open-ended question after” federal prosecutors tried to implicate Trump.

Lol his lawyers blamed Trump

These guys were setup by the Feds, just as most of the Jan 6th protestors were.

A Jan. 6 rioter was Convicted and Sentenced in Secret. No one will say Why​

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of rioters have been charged, convicted and sentenced for joining the mob attack on the U.S. Capitol. Unlike their cases, Samuel Lazar’s appears to have been resolved in secret — kept under seal with no explanation, even after his release from prison.

Lazar, 37, of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, was arrested in July 2021 on charges that he came to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, dressed in tactical gear and protective goggles, and used chemical spray on officers who were desperately trying to beat back the angry Donald Trump supporters.

There is no public record of a conviction or a sentence in Lazar’s court docket.

But the Bureau of Prisons told The Associated Press that the man was released from federal custody this week after completing a sentence for assaulting or resisting a federal officer. Lazar was sentenced in Washington’s federal court on March 17 to 30 months in prison, according to the Bureau of Prisons, but there’s no public record of such a hearing. He had been jailed since July 2021.

Questions about Lazar’s case have been swirling for months, but the details of his conviction and sentence have not been previously reported.


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