Please explain.
Simply saying it is EASY is the most massive ignoring of the real world to date. You are selling bromides and slogans. Provide explanation - without industrialization, how would the VN have come into existence? Where would the affordable computers, message board software, affordable and widespread internet access (routers, servers, cables, telecomm) have come from? How much would these things cost and what % of the population could afford them without industrialization?
I think you are struggling because you have already been repudiated by real world examples outside your backdoor:
1. Cuban experience
2. London food delivery (which, by the way, has a bustling street market culture still)
3. Cost of free range eggs compared to factory eggs already
I would say the only bromide is this insistence that de-industrialization requires a return to the Pleistocene, especially when I am VN's champion of Enlightenment gifts. It is the inertia of being locked in an ideology.
I find this deeply ironic though. What you are admitting above is, actually, Capitalism cannot and does not work. You are suggesting the decentralization of production -
required for effective competitiveness -
cannot be done in many circumstances. Maybe you have a point. And maybe that's why a mixed economy is far more efficient for production, jobs, etc.
Regarding how easy it would be to decrease production and increase computer access, another real world example:
Guiya E-waste Guangdong 4100 tons/day
Largest E-waste (electronic) landfill in the world. Thanks to the glory of planned obsolescence. :salute: I've got the numbers for everyone else too. I will admit, "easy" was too hyperbolic on my part. Just as "impossible" is hyperbolic on yours.
By the way, the internet is the invention of those evil Enlightenment guys in that evil government institution CERN. I'm not sure how the private sector didn't invent it first. Funny that.
I don't consider you one of the GoF, volinbham, and you are a good debater. So I won't bust the three letters of doom on you. :wink: