Is the extortion of an allied country to investigate a political opponent an impeachable offense by the President?

Is the extortion of an allied country to investigate a political opponent an impeachable offense?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 25 61.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Undecided.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He crushed the most qualified person to ever win. Instead of whining and making up fake investigations you all should find someone sane to run, nominate them and get them elected. Up until now that’s how this country has operated
It may be time for post #262 again. It never gets old.
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____________ is an impeachable offense.

A. Investigating a corrupt democrat
B. Removing troops from the Middle East
C. Hosting a convention
D. Having two scoops of ice cream while everyone else has one
E. All of the above

You probably believe this too. Sad.
He crushed the most qualified person to ever win. Instead of whining and making up fake investigations you all should find someone sane to run, nominate them and get them elected. Up until now that’s how this country has operated
Trump officially marked the end of the "up until now" defense.
Well, you have no problem removing a duly elected President over hearsay. That's a joke, and dangerous to the country.
Substantially less dangerous than not removing him.
But we've all acknowledged that there is no way in hell that enough senators have a backbone capable of supporting the weight of the correct decision.
Apparently, some time in the future, when a Democrat is President, Luther, Septic and other liberals will have no problem with their President being removed from office over somebody supposedly hearing a story from somebody that heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. Maybe some Republican activist can even make up a story that he supposedly overheard.
Apparently, some time in the future, when a Democrat is President, Luther, Septic and other liberals will have no problem with their President being removed from office over somebody supposedly hearing a story from somebody that heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. Maybe some Republican activist can even make up a story that he supposedly overheard.
I hope this happens
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Apparently, some time in the future, when a Democrat is President, Luther, Septic and other liberals will have no problem with their President being removed from office over somebody supposedly hearing a story from somebody that heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. Maybe some Republican activist can even make up a story that he supposedly overheard.
If the democrat is even half as horrendously despicable as Trump, please do.

Plus, we all know that is in no way what is happening to Trump. I believe you are wise enough to know deep down that Trump is guilty of the allegations.
Apparently, some time in the future, when a Democrat is President, Luther, Septic and other liberals will have no problem with their President being removed from office over somebody supposedly hearing a story from somebody that heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. Maybe some Republican activist can even make up a story that he supposedly overheard.

There's just no hope for the demented Dims....we try to tell them the err of their ways but don't listen.
Well, you have no problem removing a duly elected President over hearsay. That's a joke, and dangerous to the country.

As dangerous as using tax payer dollars to extort a foreign country to help maintain political power? Dangerous like that?

One would think that if all this hearsay is such b.s., Trump would be clamoring to get all of the 1st hand guys like Mulvaney, Bolton and himself in front of congress, pronto.

As dangerous as using tax payer dollars to extort a foreign country to help maintain political power? Dangerous like that?

One would think that if all this hearsay is such b.s., Trump would be clamoring to get all of the 1st hand guys like Mulvaney, Bolton and himself in front of congress, pronto.

It sets a bad precedent for a President to bow to Congress, and waive executive privilege.
Apparently, some time in the future, when a Democrat is President, Luther, Septic and other liberals will have no problem with their President being removed from office over somebody supposedly hearing a story from somebody that heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. Maybe some Republican activist can even make up a story that he supposedly overheard.

Yeah, that narrative isn't holding water. Jim Jordan looked like a clown trying to frame that, not surprised it's still bouncing around the echo chamber. Keep grasping...
It sets a bad precedent for a President to bow to Congress, and waive executive privilege.

As bad a precedent as extorting a foreign country with aid to help fight Russia unless they helped dig dirt up on a domestic political rival? That seems like poor precedent to set with regards to foreign policy. #trumpfirst?
Yeah, that narrative isn't holding water. Jim Jordan looked like a clown trying to frame that, not surprised it's still bouncing around the echo chamber. Keep grasping...

False....Jim didn't look that way at all. Schitty Schiff looked more the clown than anyone there today....
Here is a better question...

Why do we owe any other country, allies or not, anything?

Our relationship should be based solely on what is best for the US citizen and if that means holding funds from a country to find out if an presidential candidate is involved in shady dealings how is that not best for the us citizen considering this knowledge is useful to make a rational voting choice.

Do you care more about the Ukraine or the US citizen?
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As bad a precedent as extorting a foreign country with aid to help fight Russia unless they helped dig dirt up on a domestic political rival? That seems like poor precedent to set with regards to foreign policy. #trumpfirst?

You've been lied to & you've fallen for those're so gullible it's really embarrassing.
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It sets a bad precedent for a President to bow to Congress, and waive executive privilege.

I don't think executive privilege applies to 'perfect' phone calls. Pretty sure that's in the Constitution somwhere.
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I don't think executive privilege applies to 'perfect' phone calls. Pretty sure that's in the Constitution somwhere.

You keep digging and there's nothing there you dolt. You believe the Dim lies & are gullible to it.
It's not our fault you're this silly cray cray...
Here is a better question...

Why do we owe any other country, allies or not, anything?

Our relationship should be based solely on what is best for the US citizen and if that means holding funds from a country to find out if an presidential candidate is involved in shady dealings how is that not best for the us citizen considering this knowledge is useful to make a rational voting choice.

Do you care more about the Ukraine or the US citizen?

The candidate is a US citizen. The president targeted a US citizen in order to maintain power.

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